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  1. L

    NYT article on fat/diet/obesity (it's genetic and that's that)

    I keep wondering how much has to do with the stuff we feed our livestock to make sure they plump up nice and quick. That might at least explain why we have more problem with obesity in the US than other nations, where they also sit around a lot, eat all the wrong foods, and presumably are...
  2. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    One final thought: What folks here don't seem to grasp is that the problem goes beyond just having longer lines and less competent service at the DMV. There are a LOT of jobs in government that, if done poorly, can get people killed. What happens when the State doesn't properly keep up...
  3. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    I agree with you, when it's just a bad day. When it's a serious problem, though, a TRULY mature person will speak up and try to change things. Only a fool sees a train wreck coming and decides to go listen to music. ;D
  4. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Honey, there's nothing alleged about it. I do damned good work. But thanks for proving my point. ;D
  5. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Again, though, TABOR was poorly drafted, at least in Colorado. It works fine, so long as everything stays stable. But if there's a recession, as has been the case a few times over the last decade, TABOR's provisions actually ratchet funding downward, and allow no way for the State to recover...
  6. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    You do read in! ;) I think a person can have an area in their life that frustrates them, even makes them angry, makes them want to scream, and still not be miserable. If you can't, then I feel bad for you when everything isn't perfect. ;) Exactly! They CAN vote with their feet! That's the...
  7. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Hah! And WE get dissed for skiving! Sheesh! ;) True enough. But the public doesn't always grasp what it is that they're voting on. For example, Colorado had a set of TWO that needed to be approved together last year. The voters approved one and denied the other, meaning that while Colorado has...
  8. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Not true. It's crazy to say that because a person's work is specialized, they should not be paid comparably to people who use the same skills in different ways. My work is similar to investigation, to legal clerks and paralegals, to various types of appraisers, and to a number of other...
  9. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Maddy - love the name. But I'm pretty sure you didn't follow what I've been saying.
  10. L

    Pets. How strong is the bond?

    Raw food is supposed to be the best. It's not just raw meat, though. You have to either make your own, which involves grinding organ meats and various supplements, or buy pre-made frozen foods, which is VERY expensive. This site compares Innova dry food to a raw diet, rather favorably...
  11. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Interesting article on the effects Colorado's "TABOR" has had on its public services.
  12. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Boy, you guys don't read very well!!! ;D I never said I was miserable. I think I've been pretty clear that I love my job. I get a lot of satisfaction from being a "GOOD" public employee (or trying to be). I am complaining about something that I think is harmful to my state, and to myself as a...
  13. L

    The Amazing Race: which team are you rooting for?

    I admire the heck out of anyone who can do that and be civil and nice to people along the way = one reason I really appreciated Danny and Oswald and Uchenna and Joyce. Me, I'm pretty sure I'd be one of those people who didn't behave well under the pressure, so no, I probably wouldn't do it.
  14. L

    The Amazing Race: which team are you rooting for?

    Mirna also annoys me, and yes, the funky pigeon baby-talk is really almost offensive. Like if they talk to the cab driver like he's a Polish 5 year old, he'll understand them? But I really respect Charla for getting this far with the additional obstacles she has to overcome. Go Charla!
  15. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    I am doing something about it. I'm raising awareness. I'm screaming bloody murder. I'm not stupid enough to walk away from the pension when I'm only 4-6 years from it, particularly when my skillset is so specialized that if I left and tried my luck in the private sector, I'd probably have to...
  16. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    What I do is work for the government. And yes, people have belittled that. People are entitled to any opinion they like, but I'm entitled the opinion that they don't know shinola. ;) Most people who think government service is that bad don't really understand what MAKES it that way. They bag...
  17. L

    Pets. How strong is the bond?

    BTW, with the recent recall scares going on, I did some digging. Innova cat food (no, I don't work for the company) uses all organic ingredients, and they have their own manufacturing plant, so no possibility of cross-contamination. My vet's office is basically the "university hospital" of...
  18. L

    Psst! Wanna Buy a Slightly Used Colonoscope?

    OK, I had both done. They call it an "over and under." :laugh: Different scopes used, thank God, and fortunately, lots of good drugs, so you don't really care WHAT they do!
  19. L

    For anyone who has bought the bill of goods

    Oh, by the way, I got hold of the figures the Dept. of Personnel has been using to claim that our benefits will be 85% of market. Turns out that was a bit of a fib. TOTAL COMPENSATION will be 85% of market. That includes wages, which are theoretically 100% of market (not quite true, but...
  20. L

    Anyone else use this?

    I've been using It's more about dieting than nutrition, but you can track fats, carbs, calories, and a lot of nutritional info. Plus a lot of the foods at chain restaurants are in their database, so if you eat out, you don't have to guess what you did to your diet. L
  21. L

    Is Univeral Health Care the answer?????

    Ooo! Great ideas! Plus maybe he should be court-ordered to have his head surgically removed from his..... You probably know.
  22. L

    Is Univeral Health Care the answer?????

    One reason some doctors won't take Medicare patients si because the bureaucracy costs them more money than they make. And if they can shovel it off to assistants, great, but WE pay for those assistants. Simplify the paperwork, and it will cost less. There was a time when insurance was simply...
  23. L

    Is Univeral Health Care the answer?????

    I think there are a lot of good ideas for solving the healthcare crisis. I think that we probably need to adopt some combination of several. Here are some I've seen that I think have some merit: 1) Simplify. The medical community complains that a typical doctor spends some 40% of his or her...
  24. L

    Pets. How strong is the bond?

    How strong? Paul Bunyan strong. 2,000 lb ant strong. Just spent $1k on my two cats. Took them to the vet for blood work, because one of the foods they ate was on the recall list. One of them came back with high calcium, so X-rays, ultrasounds, and more blood tests later, we're still working on...
  25. L

    Alec Baldwin --- Ranting

    Here's a link to the actual audio, so you can hear for yourselves. It's very clear that he is talking to his daughter (unless Kim is in fact 12 years old). He curses at her, he calls her a pig - twice. He threatens to fly in especially to...
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