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  1. F

    Kids & sugar

    Jasmine is a darling! Very gorgeous! Her sister too!! The Master of Washing Machines is very cool too!! /Very handy for the wife, must say!/ Why would kids being dressed as princesses or fairies set-back the women't movement??!! Princesses are figures of power, beauty & authority! Faeries...
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    Breathing down our neck

    Congratulations to retiring soon! (still have quite a long way to go myself, & am finding literature & internet suggestions extremely useful! Thanks to all for posting them!)
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    Greetings from the Northeast

    Hello & Welcome!
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    26 yr old financial adviser

    Hi & Welcome!
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    A milestone and "thank you"

    Congratulations!!! Just curious (since I'm new to this site) which info did you find most useful?
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    Wanted to share a milestone with you all....

    So glad to hear it went well!! Yes, I know what you mean with 'scary experience'! Was it a solo exhibition or together with other artists? It is awesome that new opportunities are arising from this!! Ever considered selling online? - Do you know of this 'tutorial'? ::: blogging with the...
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    Hi from Cebu

    Well, they say 30s are the new 20s! Puzzley, the story of your daughter is inspiring! Another idea, Mom also has a sponsored kid in Africa, and she loves getting pictures etc. I have a sponsored kiddie in Brasil, & joked to my parents they were to be grandparents once I signed up for it...
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    Green / Socially Responsible Mutual Fund

    An interesting thread! A newbie here. Been struggling with this myself. On one hand, I'd love to invest into socially and foremost environmentally responsible companies etc. On the other hand, most things that seem to earn or have earnt a lot of money seem 'bad' (in my country...
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    $ Milestone

    Wow! Inspiring!! But I guess you don't sleep in the studio, but elsewere-?
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    Staying in a motel ... no really - staying!

    Ha ha, I read this today too!! Very funny!! I couldn't describe a view over a parking lot as very stimulating, but I guess everyone's different!
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    Non retired spouse

    This whole thread is very interesting! Now Mom's grumpiness while Dad is retired & she isn't makes more sense! Wizard, I would highly recommend you to read 'Five Languages of Love' (just Google it). It might put all of this in an entirely different perspective! I suspect your wife might...
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    Forget retirement--how much is everyone investing in themselves?

    LOL My cousin actually calls buying new clothes 'investing in herself' - she is also (almost) always broke. But does get to hang out with people who are sort of well-off (so we joked she could be our 'spy' in the world of the rich and financially educated. uhm. That was before discovering this...
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    $ Milestone

    Congratulations!! It really is awesome!! (I'll be 32 next year but am nowhere near! Okay, I also live on another continent, but still.. Very impressive.) & Hello from a fellow wanna-be artist! (You're ahead of me too, with the studio and the exhibition!) P.S. A documentary on TV said that...
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    Wanted to share a milestone with you all....

    Wow! You got a studio! (still to find one) How did the exhibition go? Really like the pictures 'Growth' & 'Love'!
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    A(n Artsy) Hello from Slovenia, Europe!

    Yes, we are!! What a lovely metaphor!
  16. F

    Hi from Cebu

    Hi! It may take a while to get grandkids... My Mom discovered that too. And meanwhile started a 'fairytales' weekly book-reading session for the kids from our street - the kids loved it, the parents loved it, Mom was happy...!! (She read a picture book or two, then they drew and maybe did...
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    Hello-from young married girl with big financial independence dreams

    Hello! I'm a Young Dreamer myself, but congratulations on starting this early!! Only suggestion - if you want to travel and study, it may be cheaper to study & live abroad!
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    Hello, I am NOT a financial advisor!

    Hi & Welcome! I'm new here too, & good thing I read Andy H.'s thread only AFTER I jumped in anyway!! ;) /giggle/ Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS for having so much 'stashed away'!! (From my end, your numbers sound AWESOME, but it's good that there are people here who actually know more to advise you...
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    A(n Artsy) Hello from Slovenia, Europe!

    Chris, I really love the website!! & Julia Cameron herself is really inspiring!! She did soo many things too!! (& was married to Martin Scorsese, WoW!!) So I registered at the forums there too, and am looking forward to reading more! Big thanks for posting the link to the site!!
  20. F

    A(n Artsy) Hello from Slovenia, Europe!

    Thanks for the warm Welcome, everyone!! I'm really impressed you actually know Slovenia, we're a tiny country, often confused with Slovakia or such. Eyerishgold, love your nickname!! (Are you of Irish descent?) BSSC, Yes, I agree money is a means to an end - & I've heard surfing is fun...
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    A(n Artsy) Hello from Slovenia, Europe!

    This is truly an excellent forum and I've been here a while, but it seems time to say Hi! I've read a few Rich Dad books a few years ago which inspired me to look into Early Retirement as a very interesting option! I have no idea how to do it yet, am well-skilled in living below my means &...
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