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  1. L

    How I became financially independent in 5 yrs

    I could definitely live off of lentil soup and a very simple diet. Not sure about the mercury in the tuna fish these days. It all depends on your level of comfort. The bottom line is, the less you are willing to live with, the faster you will reach FI. Haven't gotten into reading the whole...
  2. L

    Help! I hate my job

    I was diagnosed with Hodgekin's lymphoma when I was 16 (I'm 27 now). Trust me, it really does impact the decisions you make in your life. I really do hate my job. been miserable ever since I started working. I'm a very free spirit and hate wasting life doing things other people want me to do...
  3. L

    We are burned out

    So here is the real question: How burnt out are you really? If you seriously think you can't take much more, perhaps you could try partial retiremenet and get a part-time job until SS kicks in. Your wife's position seems pretty demoralizing. I can't see that being good for her. You have A LOT...
  4. L

    New Here, Retire Under 40

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. Sarah sums it up. You are going to have to make a lot of sacrifices, but hey you're only 22 so rock on to your for starting young. I'm 27 myself and I'm planning on "retiring" extremely early as well. Read a lot about investing. Real estate is great. I own a...
  5. L

    Buying website as an investment

    I agree. I would start my own from scarth if you had the time. I've been building my own website online ( and it's earns me a small income each month. It's about a year old. It's nothing big yet, but I am hoping by the time I turn 30 it can become a valuable source of...
  6. L

    Anybody else use facebook or other online social networks?

    Facebook is only dangerous if you're willing to put all your information out there...i.e. work, cell phone number (some people put this on there). But the only people who can see your profile are people you are friends with. It's up to you how safe you want it to be. But it is a great way to...
  7. L

    Ultimate Lose-Weight, Save Money Diet

    Hey Bree, Nice diet plan there, but harley's post on negative calories is correct. The fiber in the beans is what's helping people lose weight. Most people don't get enough fiber, and once you start eating the same amount of food with more fiber you automatically lose weight. Fiber isn't...
  8. L

    ER is NOT the goal!

    I am going to agree with Kronk and everyone else. I'm only 25 but have determined that I have a good sense of how much a spend and that I budget very well. I try to make saving automatic, 15% to 401k, automatic monthly withdrawals to Vanguard accounts. I found I was concentrating to much on...
  9. L

    Advice for a teenager

    I agree with plex. You're only 19 and could likely change your mind before you graduate. I was dead set on being an archaeologist and decided to add a second biology major my junior year. I'm 25 and I work for a pharmaceutical company doing something I had never even heard of before...
  10. L

    What happened to the 40 hour work week?

    My Dad worked a lot of hours when I was younger. I'm 25 now. He still likes to work 7 days a week, but then again he likes to drive his nice new V8 shelby at night, eat out all the time, and enjoy concerts and shows. It was tougher when I got older because the only time I could spend time with...
  11. L

    Does passive income = Retirement Income?

    Ha ha. I think most 20 yo won't have social security to retire by. I NEVER include SS in my retirement plans or goals.
  12. L

    How much real dollars for FI

    I agree with Niko. I'm 25 and it tough to understand at the moment if I will be able to retire in my 40s yet. All I do right now is save as much as possible (18% to 401k and montly automatic withdrawals into vanguard funds) and in 5 years hope to have a better understanding of my situation.
  13. L

    Spilling the Financial Beans to the Kids

    I'm 25. I have an idea of what my mom inheritted from my grandfather, and guess that my father is somewhat well off. But neither or them have intimately discussed their finances with me. My grandfather always said "Let everyone else believe you have nothing more than a pot to piss in." He was...
  14. L

    Savings milestone today.

    ha ha well i am currently celebrating my $10k milestone mark. I guess I have a ways to go before I get to where you guys are. I just turned 25 last month and have been saving for little over a year.
  15. L

    401k max contribution question

    Does the max contribution include the contributions made by your company or only what you contribute to your 401k plan? I've never been in the position where I've been able to max it out but I just received a substantial raise and want to max out my 401k this year. Thanks.
  16. L

    401k Question

    I'm invested in about 5 funds. about 5% in bonds, the rest in 500 Index fund, international, and large cap growth. I'm also only 25 so my portfolio is a bit a aggressive and high risk. I consolidated down from 10 funds to try and reduce my ER last year when I started learning about investing...
  17. L

    Roth IRA's

    Great!!! I will look into that. Is that an index fund?
  18. L

    interesting lecture on income/consumption over the last 30 years

    I totally agree with some of that facts presented in the article, i.e. mortgage increase and health insurance increases. Those definately take their toll on the middle class. But then I also take a look at someone like myself - middle class. I don't drive a fancy gas guzzler. I don't pay for...
  19. L

    Roth IRA's

    Thanks again. Yes I have a Vanguard accoun that I also contribute to regularly.
  20. L

    Roth IRA's

    Hey thanks for the links and information I will definitely check them out.
  21. L

    Roth IRA's

    Well I'm not a big spender. I don't keep up with the trends now and buy flashy gadgets and accessories. I don't even have cable. Oh the horror!!!!! I can't see wasting $100 a month on it. My car was bought used and paid in full a few year ago. Just reached the 100k mark and I plan to keep it for...
  22. L

    How Often do you Check your Investments?

    I would probably saying weekly to monthly. It's more whenever I get the itch to check and see how things are going.
  23. L

    Roth IRA's

    I didn't mark off 40 as the cut off but my 40s in general. Currently I contribute 11% (with a 4% match) to my 401k (~$8000 to date) to be increased to 15, 20% depending on whether whether the internal job I applied for falls into place. I'll have more security and won't be paying $600/mo for...
  24. L

    Are you afraid to look poor?

    Definitely not. Thrift stores are my friends. Especially when people donate clothes with the tags still on them! I love buying T-shirt for under $5 and am a big end of season shopper. I don't like to buy anything unless it's at least 50% off. I bought I nice winter pea coat originally $80 at Old...
  25. L

    Roth IRA's

    I have a question about Roth IRA's. I would like to retire in my 40s, I'm going to be 25 next month. I have been savind 11% in my 401k and hope to increase that to 15% by the end of the year (when I get a permanent full time position at work). I would like to also start a Roth IRA. I know Roth...
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