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    Vanguard brokerage fees email

    Senior moment on the "Amazon" now corrected! :)
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    Vanguard brokerage fees email

    Received the following email yesterday from Vanguard. Particularly do not understand the last note on the bottom. So does this mean if we buy cd's or exchange Vanguard funds or switch funds, that are within the brokerage account, or they mature and go to the brokerage account- we get charged a...
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    TurboTax Max Discount Watch

    I had TT on camelcamelcamel- and great sale price THIS MORNING
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    New Fidelity Calulator

    An interesting Fidelity calculator, new to me at least in that I had not seen it before. Enter retirement savings, ss, and pensions, age to take WD, and life span. Play with portfolio allocation and life span...
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    Redeeming Vanguard Brokerage CD's

    Bought some Vanguard CD's earlier this year and have one coming to term this week. Do they automatically renew or do I sell it on the due date?
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    Fidelity Retirement Analysis Tool

    How do you adjust expenses if your partner passes? I see where pensions or SS go away, but how to you adjust expenses?
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    What you actually spend vs planned to spend in retirement

    On plan, but as we approach the mid-late 60's, spending seems to be slowing some
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    Insurance companies pulling out of risk areas

    Not a comforting thought to think many of us may be unable to get insurance in the future. Seems companies are pulling out of risk areas due to global warming, particularly in hurricane and fire areas.
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    Wisconsin members – quarterly dates

    I help my brother pay all of his tax estimates. He recently moved to Wisconsin. Can someone give me please the dates that the quarterly payments are due in Wisconsin? Do they simply align with the federal dates?
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    Osteoporosis- results with treatment?

    Recently diagnosed with osteoporosis lower back and hip. Doc wants to talk about treatments. I am aware that everyone is different, and there are potential side effects. I wonder, for those that chose treatment, did you see improvements, and if so, over what period? Any side effects worth it?
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    Wish-list for Downsized Home

    In floor heat- it is efficient and we tend to want warmer as we age. House or rooms planned to maximize sunshine in the living areas. All door handles with levers rather than knobs. Electrical outlets and internet outlets well planned for use and gadgets.
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    Firecalc updated with data thru 1/1/2023

    Greatly appreciate the time you put into this. But OUCH! Our numbers do not have as much padding anymore.
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    Estimated Taxes: use DirectPay or set up IRS Online Account?

    +1 on EFTPS. Scheduling in advance and ability to change those payments is nice. Recently used DirectPay to assist DB in paying his taxes, and I think only 2 payments could be scheduled- what his balance owed was and Q1 2023
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    VG CD Purchase question

    Had no idea the settlement acct paid anything! :-)
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    VG CD Purchase question

    We have decided to purchase some CD's within our IRA that is at Vanguard Brokerage. We will purchase using money market funds within the IRA. I know I have to sell X to buy the CD, but it looks like I need to let the money "settle into" the settlement account before I can purchase any CD's. Is...
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    If delta flight canceled

    We are scheduled to fly out with Delta on Saturday but there is an incoming snowstorm. If Delta were to cancel our flight, is it up to us to reschedule or does delta reschedule us automatically?
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    Vanguard Brokerage CD questions

    We keep about 3 years of expected withdrawals from our IRA in money market funds. We are new to the brokerage accounts within Vanguard. CD rates seem relatively decent, and we are considering purchasing new CD's that are FDIC insured. What, if anything, should we be aware of when purchasing...
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    Withdrawal Calulator

    Found a "withdrawal calculator" that supposedly calculates your safe withdrawal amount. You enter the age at retirement, funds, amount you want to remain in the portfolio when you pass, portfolio earnings %, age you will die, and pension and ss amounts. It spits out what you can take a month...
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    Vanguard Tax form confusion

    That link is the same that I looked at originally. The problem is that the CONSOLIDATED statement clearly shows money (outside the IRA) as dividends on the brokerage side that no tax form has been issued for. The link suggests that all her forms are complete and the amount is substantially more...
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    Vanguard Tax form confusion

    DM has a consolidated vanguard statement that shows x dollars of taxable income from her brokerage account. She rolled from the traditional to brokerage in 2022. Her 1099-R and 1099-Div do not include that amount—those forms she received in the mail align with what is online under tax forms...
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    Is this the future of media?

    New "drawing" Ai out too getting buzz. You can create art or images. Same company, same login and password Combine the two (text and image) and I suppose you can write a book!
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    Who's Responsible for Nursing Home Payment?

    Contacting an attorney might be best. There is this, but have no idea if it applies...
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    2023 Estimated Taxes

    We have taken our withdrawl every year in January, and pay 4 equal tax payments, never a problems and never a penalty
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    Vanguard Brokerage acct -> 1099 when?

    For those that converted VG accounts to brokerage accounts in 2021, was your 1099 mailed/available prior to the Feb 15 deadline last year? We just converted in 2022 and are wondering if the 1099 will be available by Jan 31 or if we have to wait until sometime in Feb.
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    Is Medicare IRMAA a big deal?

    If just starting Medicare- and recently retired or reduced income, keep in mind that Medicare premiums are set based on your income from TWO YEARS AGO. So IRMAA for 2023 is based I believe on reported income from 2021. You can file for a re-evaluation after you first receive your Medicare cost...
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