2024 Investment Performance Thread

Better late than never. July results:
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
June: +1.9%
July: +1.0%
YTD: +7.4%
YoY: +8.6%
Since 12/31/22: +19.2%
Since 12/31/21: +5.0%
Since 12/31/20: +17.4%
Since 12/31/19: +33.6%
New all time high (week ending 7/13) but now 2.7% off of that due to late July and early August selloff. As of date of post, off 1.25% from July 31st (EOM)).
August results:
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
June: +1.9%
July: +1.0%
August: +1.3%
YTD: +8.8%
YoY: +12.0%
Since 12/31/22: +20.8%
Since 12/31/21: +6.5%
Since 12/31/20: +19.0%
Since 12/31/19: +35.3%
Extremely close to all time high set July 13th week.
Jan '24 : +1.35%
Feb '24: +5.1% unfortunately trailing the SP500 with my massive position in AAPL and the bit of a hit that's taken. 100% equities, ~66% Magnificent 7, 34% AAPL
Mar' 24 +5%. Flat month with AAPL dragging me down. People warned me not to be so exposed to one equity, but here I am. It's treated me well in the past.
Apr' 24 +1.25% AAPL was 40% of my portfolio, with the pull back it went to 32% eeeek, or Whee!
May 24 +10.34% ytd. 50% of the folio is concentrated in AAPL MSFT and NVDA now. Hang on!
Jun '24 + 19.8% ytd. Heavy tilted tech folio with all our cash being plowed into the markets daily as we race to FIRE!! Grateful.
Jul '24 + 19% ytd I was up almost 24% YTD before tech had a little pullback, which I totally expected to happen but it happened a little sooner in this election cycle then the last.
Aug '24 +21.7% the slow climb of Everest has begun. I blinked and summer is now fall.
16.87%. Earlier in the year I was running 90/10. But DW and I retired in May and our money is a bit in flux after having cashed out our pension and investing it. So closer to 60/40 for a bit with some of the 40 being our SORR account. We plan to be closer to 70/30 by the time the new year starts.
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