2024 Investment Performance Thread

Total Portfolio Balance
Oct-24 -0.52%
2024 YTD +12.02%

Total Portfolio AA
65.00% STOCK
35.00% FIXED

The portfolio is here (Path Forward 2024) with some proxies selected. The estimated performance is 11.06%. At the end of 2024 I'll get the data and find XIRR or something.

The last day of October was a stock market stumble.

Time for EOY musings about the next year.
YTD 12.95%. I check mine just once the start of each month. Months go by fast. Wow!!!
Here we are with another month in:
September results (preliminary):
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
June: +1.9%
July: +1.0%
August: +1.3%
September: +1.1%
YTD: +9.8%
YoY: +16.4%
Since 12/31/22: +22.1%
Since 12/31/21: +7.7%
Since 12/31/20: +20.3%
Since 12/31/19: +36.9%
Several new all time highs this month (including today). I have not yet done asset allocations, but helped this month by Gold/Silver/Miners. (up 1.1% overall w/a low equity allocation vs. 1.9% for SPY for September). Also had to pay school taxes (which are included in the above).
October results, bit of a boo:
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
June: +1.9%
July: +1.0%
August: +1.3%
September: +1.1%
October: -0.4%
YTD: +9.6%
YoY: +17.0%
Since 12/31/22: +21.7%
Since 12/31/21: +07.2%
Since 12/31/20: +19.9%
Since 12/31/19: +36.4%
New highs in October (through mid-month), but down over the last couple weeks. Gold/Silver/Miners still helping, late October (and this morning's but not counted as it is November) downturn in Apple and other techs impacting resutls.
I looked at things on Oct 18, and I was at new highs YTD and up 11.5% on retirement assets.

But unfortunately rest of October knocked me down and ended below even my 9/30 value. Now only up 9.37% YTD.

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Jan '24 : +1.35%
Feb '24: +5.1% unfortunately trailing the SP500 with my massive position in AAPL and the bit of a hit that's taken. 100% equities, ~66% Magnificent 7, 34% AAPL
Mar' 24 +5%. Flat month with AAPL dragging me down. People warned me not to be so exposed to one equity, but here I am. It's treated me well in the past.
Apr' 24 +1.25% AAPL was 40% of my portfolio, with the pull back it went to 32% eeeek, or Whee!
May 24 +10.34% ytd. 50% of the folio is concentrated in AAPL MSFT and NVDA now. Hang on!
Jun '24 + 19.8% ytd. Heavy tilted tech folio with all our cash being plowed into the markets daily as we race to FIRE!! Grateful.
Jul '24 + 19% ytd I was up almost 24% YTD before tech had a little pullback, which I totally expected to happen but it happened a little sooner in this election cycle then the last.
Aug '24 +21.7% the slow climb of Everest has begun. I blinked and summer is now fall.
Sep '24 +24% Pretty normal gains here for the circumstances. Not trying to chase anything, and underemployed which is nice but getting more stressful with less capital coming in
IRA 16.75% annualized return. 85% stocks.

TSP +15.09 YTD. 93% stocks, 7% bonds
11.0% YTD, all-in, on 2/3 equity target.
TSLA, PLTR and other high volatility equities. Plus some alternative asset classes that have performed well this year.

I was lucky enough to double my PLTR position when it tanked to $8 or so. My PLTR is up over 400%. But of course I don't mention the others like SQ that lost 90%.
TSLA, PLTR and other high volatility equities. Plus some alternative asset classes that have performed well this year.

I was lucky enough to double my PLTR position when it tanked to $8 or so. My PLTR is up over 400%. But of course I don't mention the others like SQ that lost 90%.
Oh wow....PLTR--nice.....yeah, I just do the index ETFs. I'm so bad with individual stocks hence my strategy of market ETFs. I try not get caught up in how the portfolio does any month, year or even couple of years. Although it is nice to watch it shoot up the last couple of years.
Well, the first half of the month was going good, but ended up being a bit of a letdown towards the end. Here's my latest...

1/31/2024: +0.78% YTD.
2/29/2024: +4.67% YTD.
3/28/2024: +7.33% YTD.
4/30/2024: +4.36% YTD.
5/31/2024: +8.58% YTD.
6/28/2024: +11.54% YTD.
7/31/2024: +12.75% YTD.
8/30/2024: +15.00% YTD.
9/30/2024: +16.66% YTD.
10/31/2024: +16.51% YTD.

I peaked out at +18.88% on 10/18, but the later part of the month took care of that. Still, looking pretty good for the year so far.
TSLA, PLTR and other high volatility equities. Plus some alternative asset classes that have performed well this year.

I was lucky enough to double my PLTR position when it tanked to $8 or so. My PLTR is up over 400%. But of course I don't mention the others like SQ that lost 90%.
This reminds me of Nassim Taleb, author of Black Swan. He wrote about an investment strategy where 80-90% goes toward a sure thing (like treasuries, maybe). The other 10-20% is invested in stocks you think caan multiply much faster than the market.
20.4% excluding contributions with an all ETF portfolio with an aggressive 95-5 AA.

First year having a seven figure gain.
Since folks are looking back 8yrs, I did and saw I'm up 149.81% since 1/1/2017. Been 100% equities that whole time (I don't include RE rental that IRR was around ~9% during that period, and of course I take out the contributions WE made since DW helped.)

If I can get 150 the next 8 years I can ER at 50 a multi-millionaire, and this thread has be convinced if that is the case I'm not working a day longer.
Oh wow....PLTR--nice.....yeah, I just do the index ETFs. I'm so bad with individual stocks hence my strategy of market ETFs. I try not get caught up in how the portfolio does any month, year or even couple of years. Although it is nice to watch it shoot up the last couple of years.
I can remember all the plays I lost when I was doing speculative day trading actions a looong time ago.


And only really 1 I need to remember as the W. AAPL. Makes for a much less interesting trading plan, but its been working out.

This is how we are currently invested. It wasn't always like this. Some INTL that DW held before we met. Some BND when the 2006 recession hit and I was starting out. Some small caps in the 2010s. And all high tech from about 2015 on.
Since folks are looking back 8yrs, I did and saw I'm up 149.81% since 1/1/2017. Been 100% equities that whole time (I don't include RE rental that IRR was around ~9% during that period, and of course I take out the contributions WE made since DW helped.)

If I can get 150 the next 8 years I can ER at 50 a multi-millionaire, and this thread has be convinced if that is the case I'm not working a day longer.
Nice. I actually retired 1/6/17
Been ~95-100% equity the whole time.
Just looked at portfolio performance via Schwab:
Your portfolio had a cumulative rate of return of 145.05% from Jan 6, 2017 to Nov 3, 2024. (Annualized: 12.13%)
All index ETFs

Small cap and international exposure have hurt me a bit, but I'm still pretty happy with the results.
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