2024 Tax Software

ANother Bump.

I'll look at Amazon on Black Friday, and purchase TT Whatever, maybe.
As noted above, the best price will probably be between Christmas and New Year's based on years past. e.g. the Black Friday TT Premier is $82.99, but it will be about $10 less at year end. And that lower price will arrive at Costco sometime in late Jan/early Feb if past history is any guide.
Newegg just listed H&R Block software with big discounts. For delux (Federal only) its now $25.99. With state it's $29.99.
I had a $10 Newegg gift card I bought earlier this week for $5, so tax software is done for me this year :)
Last year Newegg had a great deal for H&R Block. Just checked and no super deals yet.

Newegg just listed H&R Block software with big discounts. For delux (Federal only) its now $25.99. With state it's $29.99.
I just ordered via Newegg and it's $29.99 PLUS they give another $5 off coupon code at checkout automatically. Final price was $24.99
I guess they don't charge sales tax on software downloads. Cool!
Newegg just listed H&R Block software with big discounts. For delux (Federal only) its now $25.99. With state it's $29.99.
I had a $10 Newegg gift card I bought earlier this week for $5, so tax software is done for me this year :)
Thanks, I just picked a copy up too!
I just ordered via Newegg and it's $29.99 PLUS they give another $5 off coupon code at checkout automatically. Final price was $24.99
I guess they don't charge sales tax on software downloads. Cool!
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Must be your state, here in the people's republic of jelly belly, we are taxed on the download.
Last year I got it for $20 plus tax in the beginning of December, just picked this one up at $25 plus tax.

I wouldn't be surprised if it gets cheaper in the near future.
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Last year Newegg had a great deal for H&R Block. Just checked and no super deals yet.

I was a day too early! It's on sale now; as others have reported. I get the premium and business version so it can do trust returns in addition to personal taxes. $45 net cost with the $5 discount.
It will go on sale on Amazon sometime in the next month.
Just an update: H&R Block Deluxe plus State is on sale at Amazon right now for $29.99
Like I said earlier, last year Amazon had Deluxe+State for $25 and the years before it was $22.50. They're not being as generous if that's all the better they can do.

Maybe a new account at NewEgg is in order. What state should I put to get no sales tax?
Just an update: H&R Block Deluxe plus State is on sale at Amazon right now for $29.99
Plus 15% cash back if you use a Prime credit card. It may get cheaper but I went ahead and got mine.
Waiting for the TT deal. I’ll probably jump on the Costco deal as soon as it comes out. I might not get the absolute best deal but it will be good enough.
My bet is the deal will be on cyber monday
Jerry1 said:
Waiting for the TT deal. I’ll probably jump on the Costco deal as soon as it comes out. I might not get the absolute best deal but it will be good enough.
If past history is any indication, the best TT deals will not be on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. They will be off an on from Amazon starting in very late December, and for several weeks in late January/early Feb from Costco. And it’s not that I have to hold out for that additional $10 savings, but knowing that TT won’t be complete/ready for use until sometime next year, and not having all income information until end of Jan at the earliest - I don’t know why having it now is of any use. If I need to do any year end tax planning based on my income estimates, I can do that with precisely with 1040 Tax Calculator YMMV
Does H&R Block read last years info from TurboTax FILES? I know they have this direct import thing but I want to import from my last years TurboTax PDF or data file.
Does H&R Block read last years info from TurboTax FILES? I know they have this direct import thing but I want to import from my last years TurboTax PDF or data file.
Yes, it can. https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/...U-DR-GfpI13TNgl3sUJ3-JXehU27EsoCcpWWuG6nWfvgD

Except the extension now will end in "23".

And, just in case

Just an update: H&R Block Deluxe plus State is on sale at Amazon right now for $29.99
Thanks. I just ordered the software. I have had offers direct from Block as low as $20 in the past, but I have also paid as high as $35+ when ordering too late. No point in being greedy. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks. Just ordered from Newegg. H&R, Total $24.99. Got the $5 discount. California resident.
A few years ago someone mentioned Tax Hawk. Its free for federal, with a reasonable fee for state. It's worked great so far in a state with no income tax.
If you have a Discover card, you can get a $15 promotional credit by making it your primary paymetn at Amazon. Expires in 30 days.

I attempted to do this but the check out page does not show the $15 credit
Edit. had dinner, discount showed up later H&R deluxe + state. $16.04 total
But that $15 discount could have been used on anything so it wasn't an actual H&RB discount.
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Like I said earlier, last year Amazon had Deluxe+State for $25 and the years before it was $22.50. They're not being as generous if that's all the better they can do.

Maybe a new account at NewEgg is in order. What state should I put to get no sales tax?
Mine was California.
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