i'm reluctant to join any rumor mill, but some might be interested in the speculation.
from http://bankdeals.blogspot.com/
from http://bankdeals.blogspot.com/
There are rumors that Pentagon Federal Credit Union may be coming out with 6.25% certificates starting on December 28th and should be available for 3 months. A reader heard this from Penfed. The terms of these CDs are not known for sure but may be 3 to 5 years. As typical with Penfed, these should also be good for IRAs.
We'll have to wait for the 28th before we know for sure, but based on Penfed's history, they often come out with high rate CDs early in the year. Last year, Penfed came out with a 6% 7-year CD, a 5.75% 5-year CD and a 5.50% 3/4-year CD at the end of December (see post). For comparison, the best 60-month CD that was listed at Bankrate.com at that time was 5.15%.