A few things I learned at ER.org

I've learned how to cook perfect wings ( thanks Connie ) and Brewer , I have been listening every time you speak about bonds so thank you for some great hints . I 've also got to look at travel outside the box and I really can see the RV draw . Thank you everyone !
I even search out posts by a certain few because I know I'm most likely going to learn something.
Could be an interesting poll there, but there would be too many choices and someone deserving would get left out no doubt...
....that DW and I are not weird because we think it is shortsighted and foolish to finance every "I wanna..." with credit cards and home equity loans, and we think Zero Debt is a good place to be, not an opportunity to take out more loans.

....many others are dealing with what to do about elderly parents who refuse to recognize that what worked last year isn't going to work anymore.

....no one else has an economic crystal ball either.

....watch what amounts to debates over what's the most cost-effective and efficient way to have fun.
I wish my non cyber friends were as entertaining as all of you folks....:)!

I learned I have nothing to say on this forum if I don't get out there in the real world. Or is it that I have nothing to say. Where to edit that first sentence?:nonono: Less is more?
I learned I have nothing to say on this forum if I don't get out there in the real world. Or is it that I have nothing to say. Where to edit that first sentence?:nonono: Less is more?

True! I also realized I have less to say since I stopped reading the WSJ and Business Week. Business Week is now crap, but maybe it is time to look at the journal again.
True! I also realized I have less to say since I stopped reading the WSJ and Business Week. Business Week is now crap, but maybe it is time to look at the journal again.

Oh! That's interesting. I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice that I, too, have found, since ending up here, that almost (if not all) the magazines I previously found worthwhile are now in the "crap" file -- and the list is extensive. I have, during that same time, placed the online equivalents (MarketWatch, Morningstar, etc) into that same bin. The quality (and, I might add, the diversity) of the discussions here put everything found elsewhere in the 101 category.
I wish my non cyber friends were as entertaining as all of you folks....:)!

Well, we have members from all walks of life, different life experiences, and even different cultures, like yourself. :flowers:

Sometimes, in trying to be entertaining, we may accidentally offend, like I might have just done with the term "horny geezers". :flowers:

Don't know about horny, but I have said that though I look young in person, I mentally age before my time. I wonder about my body too. I drive like a geezer (55 mph on the freeway that allows 65), and actually dislike talks about speed, fast cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc... You didn't see me participate in any of those threads. I don't like loud music. Rock music upsets me.

I AM a geezer before my time. Not proud of it or anything, just stating the fact.
I learned I have nothing to say on this forum if I don't get out there in the real world. Or is it that I have nothing to say. Where to edit that first sentence?:nonono: Less is more?
Cuppa: What do you mean? I don´t see the connection between your post and mine?
The quality (and, I might add, the diversity) of the discussions here put everything found elsewhere in the 101 category.

Just be sure you do some cross checking. Accuracy of statements does not seem to be positively correlated with the confidence with which the statements are presented. :)

Just be sure you do some cross checking. Accuracy of statements does not seem to be positively correlated with the confidence with which the statements are presented. :)

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story."
Just be sure you do some cross checking. Accuracy of statements does not seem to be positively correlated with the confidence with which the statements are presented.

Wouldn't that be true no matter the source? I guess, I was little too subtle and should have said right out: It's pretty hard to slip something by this group. (And they have a hair-trigger too -- I recall, painfully, my first post. Well... others too.)
I just ignored it. :cool:

One is not a geezer until he admits that he is. :)

Wait! He? Or she? According to Wikipedia, "Geezer is a term for a man. It can carry either the connotation of age and eccentricity or, in the UK, that of craftiness or stylishness."

Ah hah! Women are exempted. :cool: And being a geezer cannot be bad for a man if it means style. :cool::cool:

Now, about the "horniness" thing...:blush:
One is not a geezer until he admits that he is. :)

Wait! He? Or she? According to Wikipedia, "Geezer is a term for a man. It can carry either the connotation of age and eccentricity or, in the UK, that of craftiness or stylishness."

Ah hah! Women are exempted. :cool:
Now, about the "horniness" thing...:blush:
Here ya go.....>:D
Well, a slow learner, I recently discovered that it might be "universal"...
I learned you can have friends on the Internet even though you never may meet............:)
I got the confidence to ER from reading this forum and getting some very sound advice and feedback from the members.

Every article on Early Retirement and Investing that is worth reading is discussed here. Its great to have a large group of buddies scouring the internet for new information on our favorite topic.

Thanks all.
I have learned a lot here on FIRE- about LBYM, 4%SWR, bacon, eldersex, the [-]thrills[/-] dangers of discussing politics with strangers, road trips, vacations, and hyper-miling, the joy of having (and the anguish of losing) pets, that folks here enjoy witty repartee', innuendo and ribald humor in equal measures , learned how people eat their steak, love motorcycles, have mixed feelings about owning RV's and hybid automobiles, enjoy home improvement, posting photos and music video links, that you can't judge a poster by his avatar or signature line, that there are people who love talking about stocks, bonds, TSP's and the DJIA, and there are those who are here for the jokes and weigh-in Wednesdays.... Oh, and don't forget cougars, internet abbreviations (WTF is ibyoig, anyway, bbamI?) I also have learned that most of what we discuss here technically has nothing to do with ER, but the camaraderie makes it worth discussing anyway.

Thanks to all who have tolerated me for the last year and a half, especially the mods who must have seen something worth keeping...

and I also learned that on the internet no one knows you are a dog...:D


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I just love this board! (bacon, sex, buddameouk, $$$ stuff, animals, etc...does it get any better??)
I just love this board! (bacon, sex, buddameouk, $$$ stuff, animals, etc...does it get any better??)

I suppose a natural thread would be "Bacon as an aphrodisiac".......:)
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