I have learned a lot here on FIRE- about LBYM, 4%SWR, bacon, eldersex, the [-]thrills[/-] dangers of discussing politics with strangers, road trips, vacations, and hyper-miling, the joy of having (and the anguish of losing) pets, that folks here enjoy witty repartee', innuendo and ribald humor in equal measures , learned how people eat their steak, love motorcycles, have mixed feelings about owning RV's and hybid automobiles, enjoy home improvement, posting photos and music video links, that you can't judge a poster by his avatar or signature line, that there are people who love talking about stocks, bonds, TSP's and the DJIA, and there are those who are here for the jokes and weigh-in Wednesdays.... Oh, and don't forget cougars, internet abbreviations (WTF is ibyoig, anyway, bbamI?) I also have learned that most of what we discuss here technically has nothing to do with ER, but the camaraderie makes it worth discussing anyway.
Thanks to all who have tolerated me for the last year and a half, especially the mods who must have seen something worth keeping...
and I also learned that on the internet no one knows you are a dog...