Adventures in building a forever home (Move in date 12/2024)


It is Coliform bacteria they are looking for. A chlorine shock will solve the problem temporarily, but you will still be at risk if the source of the problem is not addressed.
The DW is worried that we won't get the CO in time and will be homeless,
Looking absolutely beautiful.... We have moved into ours without the CO. Its ours and I live in it....
The end of the 3-year journey to get into the new house is at an end, and the 3-5 year journey to make it ours is beginning:dance:

December and January were a brutal slog to get our old house empty, with the hard push starting on 1/10 and not ending until we loaded the horses and left our old house at 10:30 AM on Friday. That stretch included 2 trips with a 20-ft rental truck (65 miles each way) that included my weights, 2 trips with a flatbed trailer to bring my lawnmower, tractor and implements over, multiple trips with the Expedition, and then that Friday morning push where we were barely able to fit the last of our stuff (We were shocked how much stuff we still had left on that last morning). Our 3-car garage is full to the gunnels, and we have some stuff in the basement. Hoping the building inspector does not freak out, but I did talk to him earlier and he seemed OK with it as long as he can walk the perimeter (although he would not put it in writing LOL).

Good news is the closing on our old house went off without a hitch, and was for a bit more than I had hoped. Money is in my bank account....which will soon go to the company holding our construction loan.

Animals are adjusting. Horses seem to like the new pasture, although snow covered, our dog is settling down, and our 20-year old cat has found her place near the wood burning stove.

Now, we may be in, but we have no CO, so we are camping on the floor in the master bedroom (you can see in one picture). Hoping for the inspection by midweek, at which time we can actually move in....although we will be sharing the space with workers for several weeks, with some work not being done until spring (exterior staining, touching up, final grading & grass).

Now for a few pictures. Top molding is not on kitchen cabinets yet.
binets yet, rainwater head not in master shower, and many small things to go, but we enjoyed watching the snow from our new house....and I am loving my wood burning stove (had my chainsaw going, cutting and splitting some of the easy picking near the house for the upcoming cold snap).
Very nice home! Reminds me of our old home on 3 acres in Southbury, Connecticut in the 1980's. Good luck going forward!
Congratulations. It looks like a forever home. Enjoy.

More pictures in the future, please.
Congratulations and enjoy!

Your picture reminds me of how much I miss the wood stove in our last house. Because we don't have any significant wood on this lot and would have to buy everything, and wood smoke doesn't seem to agree with me these days, it would probably be a gas stove here.
What a beautiful home!!!! I thank You very much for sharing your build and progress. Absolutely beautiful and I wouldn't know how to live in such beauty.
Congratulations and enjoy!

Your picture reminds me of how much I miss the wood stove in our last house. Because we don't have any significant wood on this lot and would have to buy everything, and wood smoke doesn't seem to agree with me these days, it would probably be a gas stove here.
I grew up with wood burning stoves, and having one was my must have for this house. We have about 8 acres of hardwoods, so I will never be short wood, if I put in the effort. Cut down 3 long dead smallish red oaks for this cold snap...a little decay on the outside put the interior was awesome dry wood. Had a blast hand splitting it:)

Picture of horses in pasture.
We got a CO (or a promise of a CO with no reinspection) on Thursday, and our furniture on Friday, so Friday night ended our 7 days sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags. Best thing about sleeping in a bed is not having to get off the floor during the 3 AM pee call;)

It is still pretty much a house under construction, but it is good to be lawfully occupying. We have started the process of emptying boxes, but it is hampered by the fact that the pantry is not finished and the crown molding in the kitchen has not been installed. Our builder promised to knock off both by Wednesday, which should make it feel more like 'our house' by end of this week.

Another 'issue' is trying to shoehorn our old furniture into our new house. We have the master bedroom and dining area set, and have new sofa and chair coming for the family room, but some of the furniture my wife carefully curated over the last 20 years may not have a place when the dust is gone.

Started an official 'punch list' email with the builder, and will update it every Sunday until the list has no outstanding items. As the builder only lives 2 miles from our house and has no other projects until March, I have a good month to ensure everything is 'right' (although external touch-up painting and final grading/seeding will probably be done in late March). I am going to be demanding but fair....but demanding.

Roll over from the construction loan to the mortgage will happen Monday...local bank that did the construction loan offered a 5/1 ARM at 6.5% and $35 closing fees...too easy.

A couple of pictures taken from the back deck as the day wound down. Once we have things 'together' I will do a quick walkthrough video, and I will discuss a little more about final costs and the like to end this three-year thread. Been quite a journey, and quite glad to be on this side of it.
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What a beautiful place and thanks!!
Nice looking home but I don't envy you in the least. Sounds like a nightmare. Been there done that. Never again.
Nice looking home but I don't envy you in the least. Sounds like a nightmare. Been there done that. Never again.
I have enjoyed most of the process.....with the exception of the moving out/moving in chaos the last month. I can say, at this moment, no regrets....the home we built should serve us well.

Do I ever want to move way in hell.
We built our home from ground up and did 95% of all construction. I never once regretted one minute of it or considered it a nightmare. A few bumps and twists along the way but considered it a challenge and rewarding to tackle such a huge project my new bride and myself.
Another sunset picture...when the leaves are down we have a distant view of Old Rag Mountain, for those familiar with VA.

It is still a construction zone, but less as each day goes by. Weather allowed the contractor to work on the front porch today. There are a few wiring issues, some detail work in the kitchen and other places, and a few tiles that need to be replaced in the master bath which should happen this week.

Getting some furniture tomorrow, and still have a few things to figure out, and then this spring start to hang art/pictures on walls.
Thanks for sharing. Looks a good bit like my old midwest property. Good memories.
Simply gorgeous!
Congratulations, what a wonderful place.

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