Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
This guy Hudson is really being given an odd welcome. I don't see that his questions are any more weird than most others.
What's up board?
What's up board?
There are many kinds of jobs in the financial industry. One could be a custodian/janitor for LehmanBrothers. One could sort mail for MorganStanley. One could be a server in Vanguard cafeteria. One could be parking cars in the NYSE garage. All these jobs qualify as working in the financial industry.
Anansi, hudson is almost 62 now. He worked 40 YEARS (presumably from age 22 to age 62 in the financial industry).And if he was able to make $2M by the age of 40 in one of those jobs, that is even more reason to listen to him, so why not be nice.
This guy Hudson is really being given an odd welcome. I don't see that his questions are any more weird than most others.
What's up board?
This guy Hudson is really being given an odd welcome. I don't see that his questions are any more weird than most others.
What's up board?
Well I do, but as Hudson has departed, and as whatever I would cite might make someone who is still here feel defensive, and as it would take time that I need to spend reading things that might make me some money I think I will decline.I looked back through the various posts in this thread and I don't really see what you do Ha. I think many of the posters gave fairly good advice, at least as good as most other threads I've read. Maybe the questions were a little blunt but I didn't see any great harm in that.
Do you have anything specific to point to?
I'm sorry I wasted everyone's time, including my own.
Hmmm, I felt free to ask alot of questions. None were really answered. I wasted my time....
Feel free to ask any other questions.
I guess you are right..I do have more important things to do....unlike you.
Well, at least he's stopped using the words "best" and "safest", and he's certainly getting their "exacting" recommendations. Good for him.hudson (aka seeker) tries again.