Afternoon Down Time

Andy R

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Site Team
Jan 31, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Before I hear the moans and groans I just wanted to post and let you know we were alerted about the servers being down and the server Admins had to get someone in the datacenter to reboot a server that was causing the issue. I apologize for any inconvenience this may caused in your afternoon surfing.

Ok, you can start your [-]bitching[/-] feedback now (Andy ducks behind the chicken wire as members throw their beers).
Thank you. You have saved me from cleaning the bathroom.

-- Rita
Reading the the header, figured a nice story about the benefits of siesta. Rats.
Ok, you can start your [-]bitching[/-] feedback now (Andy ducks behind the chicken wire as members throw their beers).

Kind of a waste of good beer don't you think? I do have some old dress shoes though....:cool:
Somehow I missed it and therefore feel it would be inappropriate to bitch.

BTW, I have several rolls of chicken wire left over from my stucco project if you need any extra.

However, the board is extremely slow this morning and I'm getting lots of timeouts. So I guess I can provide feedback on that, with appropriate groaning. I'm really not up for any moaning this morning.
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