Also hit my significant milestone today!

Year over year growth in net worth till 2024

^ outstanding!!!
So, how much of that NW amount are in earthly assists in money amount? What is your investment money value of that NW amount you have shared?

^ outstanding!!!
So, how much of that NW amount are in earthly assists in money amount? What is your investment money value of that NW amount you have shared?

That is all 100% investments. No other assets included. I do have a mortgage but not including that or home value in there else would need to add a few 100k to this.
Wow, I think you have been saving a huge amount!

Are you ready to retire yet?
I know, I know! I’ll probably have a more serious post up a few days later on actual expenses tracked but I do find it funny that I went from oh I just need this to yeah maybe a few millions more.
That is very good! When you say Net Worth I relate that too Net Worth which is all assists.
Amazing how fast it can build. I had to search the forum to find some information that I had posted before

2008 = Negative net worth
2016 = NW 1M
2023 = NW 2.1M
2025 (January) NW = 2.5M
What is your yearly salary?
I retired in May but my yearly salary is right now is 100K. When DW and I were working our gross salary was about double that in the last 5 years of working. We both got great raises and promotions across our last 10 years of working, and the company did very well which meant great bonus's. We also had the added benefit of those last 10 years being empty nesters so we were living off one salary and saving the rest. I would say we (together) went from about 150K gross to about 240K gross over those years with the largest part in the last 5 years.
Er33, I just did what you did and our trajectory is very similar. You had a greater gain this year than i did but we're very similar in ages as well. I gained 30% instead of 39%. I pulled back my mortgage and home value which I only put in as what we paid and owed.

What are you projecting for this year? I am projecting a big jump this year.
Er33, I just did what you did and our trajectory is very similar. You had a greater gain this year than i did but we're very similar in ages as well. I gained 30% instead of 39%. I pulled back my mortgage and home value which I only put in as what we paid and owed.

What are you projecting for this year? I am projecting a big jump this year.
I am not sure. Would love to have another big jump like last year but as with all things Mr market nothing is certain. Up already 4.2% for the year, will it stick ?

I am putting most new money in tbills in my regular brokerage account. Also spending lots on home maintenance and repairs (just started the new year with a bang with a new roof).
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