I've started using Brave and love it. Very fast and it provides excellent private security features.
I take it people using DuckDuckGo actually believe them when they say they don't track you?
I take it people using DuckDuckGo actually believe them when they say they don't track you?
I've started using Brave and love it. Very fast and it provides excellent private security features.
Regardless of whether they track you or not, DuckDuck is far superior to Google because Google's algorithm heavily weights searches to their preferred sites and actively suppresses websites that they disagree with.
I take it people using DuckDuckGo actually believe them when they say they don't track you?
While I suppose this is true, how do you know it for sure? Because DuckDuckGo tells you so?
Regardless of whether they track you or not, DuckDuck is far superior to Google because Google's algorithm heavily weights searches to their preferred sites and actively suppresses websites that they disagree with.
So I reactivated this thread and I'll chime in a bit.
I don't really care about the tracking that much. What I care about is the quality of the search results.
Could you give us some examples of low quality search results? Generally I find what I'm looking for but frankly never thought to look at search quality. Just trying to learn here, not criticizing.
What is a list of things people do not like about Google search other then a general feeling of unease?
Another thing to do that might be interesting (I haven't really spent much time on this), is to do the search in a private window. Compare results with being signed in .