Am I the only one listening to fireworks and hating it?

I enjoyed the full effect of Fireworks before age 21 or so. Soon afterwards it became more of an unnecessary nuisance. Moreover, I feel bad for the dogs which I don't own.
Yes, year round here. Not alot, but enough to cause trouble. The folks doing it have no concern for kids on school nights, or pets, or anyone else. It's illegal here too, but cops will tell you they have to catch them in the act (hard to do).
What I find amazing is that they don't think about the increased fire danger now that things are drier and drier. I think it *could* stop if someone gets sued for starting a fire that burns down some houses. I look forward to that day, though not for the burned house owners.

The January fireworks explosion in Aliamanu (Honolulu) took a total of 4 lives (so far). A separate fireworks accident killed yet another person on Jan. 1.

6 people were transferred to a premier burn center in Arizona. It's likely these 6 will be there for several months. It's also possible that there will be further deaths - certainly, there will be indescribable pain.

Honolulu Hale (our State House and the law makers) has concluded that current law is virtually useless against the current out-of-control fireworks situation.

I feel bad for the dog which I do own.
Maybe you and other dog owners could cut a deal............ Folks don't use fireworks and dog owners don't allow their "fur babies" to bark or crap/piss on other peoples' landscaping. Seems like that would be fair to both sides. It would be a win-win for me since I don't own a dog or use fireworks! ;)
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Maybe you and other dog owners could cut a deal............ Folks don't use fireworks and dog owners don't allow their "fur babies" to bark or crap/piss on other peoples' landscaping. Seems like that would be fair to both sides. It would be a win-win for me since I don't own a dog or use fireworks! ;)
In my town there is a leash law that people follow. People also carry plastic bags to pick up feces. As far as barking goes maybe kids should stop yelling so loud when they play or ban lawn mowers and leaf blowers or loud cars and motorcycles, etc. etc. etc. Although I don't think any of those result in mental trauma but fireworks do for folks with PTSD and animals both domestic and wild.
Maybe you and other dog owners could cut a deal............ Folks don't use fireworks and dog owners don't allow their "fur babies" to bark or crap/piss on other peoples' landscaping. Seems like that would be fair to both sides. It would be a win-win for me since I don't own a dog or use fireworks! ;)
Maybe you should get a Labrador. It might help to lower your blood pressure.
Maybe you and other dog owners could cut a deal............ Folks don't use fireworks and dog owners don't allow their "fur babies" to bark or crap/piss on other peoples' landscaping. Seems like that would be fair to both sides. It would be a win-win for me since I don't own a dog or use fireworks! ;)
How glorious would that be! A world with considerate people who follow laws and rules again would be so nice. Unfortunately, I don’t see it happening.
Yes, year round here. Not alot, but enough to cause trouble. The folks doing it have no concern for kids on school nights, or pets, or anyone else. It's illegal here too, but cops will tell you they have to catch them in the act (hard to do).
What I find amazing is that they don't think about the increased fire danger now that things are drier and drier. I think it *could* stop if someone gets sued for starting a fire that burns down some houses. I look forward to that day, though not for the burned house owners.
We have the same issue in my area- people have to be caught in the act. Almost impossible to do.
Unfortunately, some people’s houses have burned down due to illegal fireworks but no arrests because they couldn’t prove who set off the fireworks that landed on the house.
I’m not sure if catching someone on camera would suffice here or not. I’m going to check that out. Do you know if it does in your area?
We have the same issue in my area- people have to be caught in the act. Almost impossible to do.
Unfortunately, some people’s houses have burned down due to illegal fireworks but no arrests because they couldn’t prove who set off the fireworks that landed on the house.
I’m not sure if catching someone on camera would suffice here or not. I’m going to check that out. Do you know if it does in your area?
There are thousands of hours of people using illegal fireworks here in the Islands. It's just what people do.

Police can't or won't use the video to bring charges. We have yearly fireworks arrests in the single digits - mostly those importing tons of fireworks - rarely someone setting off fireworks.
We have the same issue in my area- people have to be caught in the act. Almost impossible to do.
Unfortunately, some people’s houses have burned down due to illegal fireworks but no arrests because they couldn’t prove who set off the fireworks that landed on the house.
I’m not sure if catching someone on camera would suffice here or not. I’m going to check that out. Do you know if it does in your area?
We lost a beloved family restaurant by me in business for years. Some idiots setting off fireworks in the neighborhood behind it set it on fire and it was a total loss. Owners had no insurance and lost everything. Nobody was ever held accountable. They are illegal in my state and county but the laws are not enforced and so we suffer. Those holidays have turned into dreaded days.
If it weren’t for my AirBuds, I’d go crazy. They should ban fireworks because of all the vets with PTSD, the general population with anxiety and for all dogs.
They should ban them globally. Nothing good comes from them other than a few moments of ohhs and ahhhs. Then we're left with the mess, pollution and other things. To summarize CHATGPT in two words..... fireworks suck.
First New Year in the Islands, we had unusually weak winds (trades were blocked). We were stunned by the level of fireworks in our complex. The smoke wafted through our town house and you could actually see it hang in the air inside. Next morning, we had to clean the soot off all the jalousies. What a mess. I wondered what was in our lungs.

We've been blessed in our high rise to be above most of the smoke. But nothing can prepare you for those aerial bombs at 3AM. What's up with that?

Fireworks fire & injury facts​

  • Fireworks started an estimated 31,302 fires in 2022, including 3,504 structure fires, 887 vehicle fires, 26,492 outside fires, and 418 unclassified fires. These fires caused an estimated six civilian deaths, 44 civilian injuries and $109M in direct property damage. (Note: Total may not equal sum because of rounding error.)
  • In 2022, U.S hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 10,200 people for fireworks related injuries; Over half of those injuries were to the extremities (29% hands and fingers, 19% legs, 5% arms) and 35% were to the eyes or other parts of the head.
  • Children younger than 15 years of age accounted for 28% of the estimated 2022 injuries. These injury estimates were obtained or derived from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2022 Fireworks Annual Report.
Source: NFPA Research Division
If it weren’t for my AirBuds, I’d go crazy. They should ban fireworks because of all the vets with PTSD, the general population with anxiety and for all dogs.
They should be banned due to the millions of dollars in property damage and medical injury costs.

Fireworks fire & injury facts​

  • Fireworks started an estimated 31,302 fires in 2022, including 3,504 structure fires, 887 vehicle fires, 26,492 outside fires, and 418 unclassified fires. These fires caused an estimated six civilian deaths, 44 civilian injuries and $109M in direct property damage. (Note: Total may not equal sum because of rounding error.)
  • In 2022, U.S hospital emergency rooms treated an estimated 10,200 people for fireworks related injuries; Over half of those injuries were to the extremities (29% hands and fingers, 19% legs, 5% arms) and 35% were to the eyes or other parts of the head.
  • Children younger than 15 years of age accounted for 28% of the estimated 2022 injuries. These injury estimates were obtained or derived from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2022 Fireworks Annual Report.
I think the saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" could be applied to fireworks? Year after year we here the same issues with them but we continue to literally shoot ourselves in the foot.
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I love firework shows, that are professionally done. I hate my neighbors setting them off, sometimes towards my house. Answering the original question.
Maybe you should get a Labrador. It might help to lower your blood pressure.
Actually I'm doing pretty well with my BP. I do take some low dose meds but at age 77, doc says my BP isn't a big worry for me. Thanks for asking.
Fireworks are legal in my state a couple weeks a year, this being one of them.

No apparent enforcement of people who set off the wrong kind on the wrong day either.

Kind of maddening to hear intermittent blasts for hours at a time.

Am I just a grump? Are they going off where you are right now?

I'm too old to lack this much sleep in a week when I'm not even having fun!
You could always move to a state where fireworks are illegal, but that does not guarantee people won’t obtain them and fire them off anyway. I don’t mind them if they are limited to July 4th and NYE.
You could always move to a state where fireworks are illegal, but that does not guarantee people won’t obtain them and fire them off anyway. I don’t mind them if they are limited to July 4th and NYE.
I can attest that having a law on the books against fireworks does nothing to lessen their use. Only enforcement works - which most fireworks laws do not address. (We have a law requiring car charging stations for moderate sized parking lots. There's no enforcement in the law so, (wait for it) there are no charging stations in parking lots).
I can attest that having a law on the books against fireworks does nothing to lessen their use. Only enforcement works - which most fireworks laws do not address. (We have a law requiring car charging stations for moderate sized parking lots. There's no enforcement in the law so, (wait for it) there are no charging stations in parking lots).
Not sure that is a reasonable comparison - I would think a closer comparison would be speed enforcement on a country road. Is it worth the cost of enforcement on that road when there are more pressing problems (or more regular offenses on busy roads). I think that is more analogous to fireworks which are used illegally maybe twice a year. However regarding your example, I believe that it would be difficult to enforce a law that requires resources form private business with no benefit. Not sure where you live, but if the owner (of the lot) charged a market rate for use, how long would it take to recoup his investment for capital costs?
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