I didn't actually expect the interest to be in this guy's morals - after all most of what we talk about here is getting value for one's money. He felt a lack of companionship from attractive women, not necessarily love, so that is what he pursued.
I do have to agree he was perhaps not the ideal Dad. OTOH, he has a child, a little agent carrying around his genes. And unlike in America, that feat didn't cost him a few hundred thousand dollars. Like he said, he paid for it financially and emotionally. But on both counts, he seems to have gotten off fairly lightly, considering the possibilities. The child got life and a mother with a new life and lots of possibilities in England. So all parties seem to have benefited. Life is rarely ideal after all.
However I thought his advice was pretty good- if you absolutely can't keep yourself from marrying some tart in a 3rd world country (I guess this includes Russia) try to keep her over there, away form western incomes, western concepts of family law, etc. Furthermore, do not buy a house, as when she takes off as she may well, guess who gets it.
I think I would tattoo his proscriptions on my palm in case I forgot while abroad.