Wondering how that effort is going.
<jeopardy theme song>
Andy -
Given that there is a whole forum full of people, many experienced in forum usage and at least a handful with legal experience, perhaps you could post the item you received from the attorney and let everyone have at it for a bit.
It might certainly save you a few bucks in attorney fees, you'd get comments during the construction instead of after.
Besides, it seems to me that the only part that people are immediately interested is the part about how much, if any, of our personal information will be disclosed to 3rd parties or within the Social Knowledge enterprise, who will disclose it, and what controls are on those to whom the information is disclosed to.
"No information collected is retained except for backup purposed, distributed or disclosed to 3rd parties" is good enough for me.
CFB, nice to see you around.
Andy - what does this part mean:
"In addition, some companies that Yahoo! has acquired have their own, preexisting privacy policies."
What has Yahoo got to do with this?
Also, I need to get him to add in a clause about behavioral targeting which is just a CYA in the event I can ever get around to setting up a system that understands members better and can provide more relevant ads to members. An example would be different ads to members who post 80% in the Young Dreamers forums vs someone who is already ERed. Another example would be on the Airstream Trailer site showing different ads to someone who owns a new Airstream vs someone who owns a 1960s Airstream (they buy different types of products). This will not be info that is shared with anyone but an ad system that can use profile info and behavioral info to try to show more relevant ads to members.
CFB, nice to see you around.
Attached is the version that the attorney sent me. I have only read over it twice and need to take some time to properly review it soon. I have not even sent him my feedback, it's not close to finished but I appreciate your comments and feedback. It will indeed help me give him feedback to get this done.
That behavioral tracking that you are doing with Google ticks me off. Why? You did not spell out that you were going to do it. You should have that in BOLD LETTERs on the site. It is not so much that you are doing it... but you are doing it in a surreptitious way. And I must tell you I resent the heck out of it. It seems a little sneaky.