"Average" is a misleading statistic IMO. Even so, given a life to 81, that means taking SS at 70 was advantageous for 1 yr compared to 19 yrs it would've been for claiming at 62.
Opensocialsecurity.com uses the weighted average of life expectancies, so the number it comes up with is the mathematical optimum for SS claiming. Of course that is standalone, without considering other information and that other information could easily drive the decision. Folks should of course consider their health and their spouse's health, the need to make Roth Conversions or get ACA premium credits or whether they just don't have the money to wait.
For single folks, the claim age is hardly worth arguing about as it was set up in the 1980's to be actuarially fair on a unisex basis. Back then, single males should have claimed at 62 and females should have waited longer. Now life expectancies have increased so it's roughly fair for males to claim early and opensocialsecurity shows than any age between 62 and 68 is within 1% of the present value of the maximum benefit.
For single females, anything from 66 and 2 months to 70 is within 1% of the same present value. Of course if her health deteriorates, she has new information and could logically claim at that point, it's not an all-or-nothing decision, it's a don't-need-claim-this-month decision.
The major reason for discussion occurs in married couples. Then the life expectancy bet for the lower earner is based on the first to pass, so that slightly favors claiming at age 62, though it's not too sensitive to that claim date. Since the higher benefit continues after the first spouse passes, that becomes a bet on the life expectancy of the longer lived. The odds are over 50/50 that at least one spouse survives to age 89, so the math strongly favors the higher earner waiting.
Everyone can make their own decision, though I hope folks start with math and then work through their personal circumstances. For us, DW is the lower earner so claimed at age 63 but we also want room for Roth Conversions, so it's an easy call for me to keep waiting, aiming for age 70.