Confused about dryer sheets
Very nice. Back then i didn't know anything about TIPS, also wasn't about to fund the whole thing at once.But this is an 8 year period from age 62 to age 70. The poster would like to set up a ladder to provide inflation adjusted cash flows for that 8 year period.
A conventional 8-year ladder with bonds maturing each yer for 8 years woud probably be retty close, but an 8-year TIPS ladder would be spot on. Also see
For example, if you were turning 62 and wanted $36,000 a year of inflation adjusted income for 8 years you could invest $302,026 and be guaranteed of $36,000 a year of inflation adjusted income for 8 years.
View attachment 52278
What i ended doing was adding 150k of i-bonds over 2001-2006, 2021-2022 (60k). All this done ad-hoc. Currently in the middle of 62-70, haven't taken SS, but can see these i-bonds filling the gap. Wish there were a calculator i can use to do this more precisely.