Any BETTER Boards??

No! - This is the best one!

Why don't you liven this one up! - What are you interested in?

Want to see a picture of a Big Fish? - They're pretty WET! :D
Seriously, this one isn't really dry. People do post here, perhaps not at the frequency you might like, but they do post. One of things that increases the frequency of posting is to spread the word to everyone you know who might be interested in early retirement. The result of doing so, however, might be a flood of newbies that don't know what they're talking about, and all you'll see is a repeat of the same advice, or worse, comments like "do a search".

You've done a good job of posting short but thought-provoking questions, which have resulted in a substantial amount of discussion. If you continue to do so, you'll probably get the same result.

We await with "baited" breath (sorry Cut-Throat, I couldn't resist. :D)
I just posted this site to
There was a thread by cops who were talking about retiring. They were talking about retiring after 20 or so years then getting another agency job "double dipping" as they phrased it.

Let's see if any show up.

You are right the board has been a little slow lately. That is only natural. People come and go, the same questions get asked and answered.
Sometimes you have to sift through a lot to find a real gem - but it is worth it.
Seriously folks, this board is my fav. by a mile, and BTW,
how could a board with my posts lose its sizzle?
Why, you can always count on me rubbing someone the wrong way, or posting dopey poems, or deliberately
gigging another poster, or sometimes even
offering something useful. We all cover the same ground over again after a while, but what the hell.....
If you must be boring, just keep it short.

I don't agree that there are not enough posts at this board. Personally, I find it hard to keep up with what there is.

I suppose that the freshness of topics varies from time to time. But I think this board offers a pretty darn good mix of investment and non-investment stuff.

I would be interested in hearing any thoughts that Dory36 had re how the board is doing and where he would like to take it over time.

I am impressed by the number of people that Dory36 has gotten signed up here. My guess is that most people come to us from the link at the site. Is that fair to say or I am off base on that one?

I don't believe that this board has achieved its full potential. But I think it is overall the best Retire Early board available today.

Folks with their own boards, like *****, show up repeatedly to advance their agenda

I somtimes provide a link to the SWR Research Group board in my posts here. I hope that people understand that I am not doing that to advertise the SWR board (at least not in an inappropriate way). In some cases I do it because the link provides a more complete answer to the question asked. In other cases, I do it because I am trying to be responsive to the question without getting into the meat of the question here.

My personal preference would be to have fuller SWR discussions here. I try not to push on that one too hard. for obvious reasons. I see the idea of providing a link to the other board as a means of allowing those with an interest in going in depth to get what they want without making those who would prefer not to do so to have to sit through the discussions. I try not to overdo this.

Intercst and ***** and their boards are jokes.

I view the SWR Research Group board as being highly successful. I would grade the content posted there (mostly by one poster, JWR1945) as A+ stuff. I am not at all happy with the level of participation there, however. The level of participation is indeed poor. It's more of a posting board today than it is a discussion board. I hope that we will be able to improve on that aspect of the board experience in time.
Re: Any BETTER Boards??. Because of

***** your crusade is BORING with a capital B

My "crusade" is to spread knowledge of how to retire early. That's not boring at all. It's exciting as exciting can be. The work I have done re SWRs is part of that larger "crusade." I find the SWR issue exciting too, but I can see how some others might not. Numbers stuff is hard. That doesn't mean it is not important, though.

The bottom line is that lots and lots of people have participated in the SWR discussions. That's the real measure of whether people find a topic "boring" or not. Because of the high level of participation, we have learned some amazing things. I am very excited by what we have learned. There are some others who are not, but there are some others who are too.

Using multiple idenities (jr. et al)  to advance it fools no one -- except you.

The idea that JWR1945 and me are the same person is one of the silliest claims that has been put forward by those defending the conventional methodology. Bernstein also says that the SWR was 2 percent at the top of the bubble. Do you think that the books that appear under William Bernstein's name were also written by me in my spare time?
Judging from Dory's posting rate, I'm sure he's bored by most of what's here too and has better things to do.

I don't know why Dory36 does not post more frequently. But I find it hard to accept this explanation. If I were in Dory36's shoes, I would be proud of the level of participation at this site and at the insights into how to win financial freedom early in life that have been developed at it.
Hmmm - I like Raddr's board for slice and dice exotica, NFB for JWR's data posts and this board for general wide ranging B.S. - and some gems too.

Still recyling dryer sheets AND the bridge was broke yesterday so on the freeway got passed by an SUV with a kayak on top - out of state though.

Not sure what you're looking for, but for anyone who is looking for a new board, I like the MSN Your Money message board and the message boards, which are more investment oriented than this board.

Re: Any BETTER Boards??. Because of

Geee, I thought your crusade was to spread the word the sky is falling. (ie stock valuations are too high - returns can't be relied on - SWR isn't safe - yada -yada -yada). If anything your crusade is on how NOT to RE. Exciting?! -- only for you! A legend in your own mind.

As far as Bernstein goes, I've worked with a number of fools throughout the years who liked to make it sound like they were attached at the hip to some authority or another to bolster their credibility. It is sooo, sooo transparent. NO you're not Bernstein and I'm sure if he stepped on you; he would just have to scrape you off his shoes.

This is a bit harsh GDER. I don't think an angry personal attack serves any positive end. I prefer to hear all points of view, even those different from your own.
Personal finance theory doesn't change very quickly. It's hard to keep saying "spend less than you make", "save money", present our favorite investment sage's advice and not get bored with it. Besides, I think we're mending from the political spatting and busy with holidays, so it's probably a temporary lull. Then again there seem to be more new posts than I lately care to read, but maybe I'm not visiting as often as usual.

If you like everlasting conversation, fire up a Usenet reader and check out comp.os.linux.advocacy or find an emacs vs. vi debate board. I'm sure there are non-tech endless debates out there, too...try topics evolution vs. creation, abortion, gun control... ::)

I would be interested in hearing any thoughts that Dory36 had re how the board is doing and where he would like to take it over time.

I am impressed by the number of people that Dory36 has gotten signed up here. My guess is that most people come to us from the link at the site. Is that fair to say or I am off base on that one?
Regarding the latter topic, I think TMF refugees like you, me, arrette, salaryguru, etc. found it that way, but one of the great things about this board is it has attracted a diverse group from other sources. Some seem to stumble upon it when 'net surfing, and some probably came from FIREcalc links especially when the financial mags published links.

Witness the difference in community between here and the native REHP boards. It's interesting to me that they're so different. That leads me to suspect REHP-refered members are actually a minority here.

As for your former point, I'm not Dory36 but I'll chime in anyway: I think the board has done a great job maintaining civility (overall), interest and focus while still allowing flights of fancy into other topics. Whatever he's doing, I like it. (He's probably enjoying ER and paying little attention here...hey, whatever works.) Yeah, there's post-election potshots, that odd Canada-US thing that seems to crop up in all bulletin boards and then the epic SWR skirmishes, but much of that is to be expected and I think this board has weathered it well.

Besides, what other ER site has its own flag? (Made of stitched-together dryer sheets, no less!)


EDIT Sept 30 2005: Updated image link for new server
Gosh I love our flag. I actually teared up a bit.
Listen folks; that alone is worth the price of admission
(Wait! this is free)................America! What a country!

Re: The worst board -- except for all the others

I think we've all seen enough pictures of you CT and know you're all wet. ::)


Blow Me !
Sometimes I get the feeling that this board is getting boring or has lost relevance . . . but then we get a thread like this one that makes it all worthwhile. :D

By the way GDER -- BLOW ME TOO!! :D
Familiarity breeds contempt. And you guys are wetter than Big Fish's bed.

I am relatively new here. I am still getting to know the characters in this story. I have yet to solidify my Super Hero, my Arch Enemy or my Sidekick. I don't even quite have a big picture of the plot.

But, I cannot put the book down. Boring, hardly.
Envy - but not bad enough to dig out the fishing poles - I like my fish two ways - free(neighbors) and cooked - 100 yards from a seafood bar.

Thanks GDER - you inspired Cut- Throat to post a really cool BLOW ME symbol. I like it.

:confused:? Who is the front runner for Curmudgeon of the year on this board - or has that falllen into the background like dryer sheets - there but not mentioned too much.
This GDER guy needs to lighten up on the coffee, pop a few valiums, down a 6-pack, and do some "BC Bud". :D
Re: The worst board -- except for all the others

 I've never read anybody else that was objecting to your pictures.
Regards, Jarhead
I have to say I really like all the pictures Cut-Throat has ever presented. The biggest trout I ever caught was 2#, so just looking at his fish is very nice. Not to mention the landscape qualities  :)

Yeah, I like Cut-Throat's pics also (and I thought his wife was "cute") :) It's a nice diversion from the
constant debate over SWR.


I also think your women folk are foxes! :p ;),

and you're cute toooo (in a manly way of course ), :D

but the fish you catch, now, they make my mouth water....

keep it all coming (including your common sense contributions) !

What are you doing to make it better?

This one has become dry... :confused:
Geez, Tommy, what are you contributing to the board?

You've asked a heckuva lot of questions and used our resources like your personal Yellow Pages directory. Now what can YOU do for this board?

Of course with your current attitude, your departure will dramatically improve the board!

I'm sure the Vanguard Diehards will welcome you with open arms...

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