Sarah in SC
Moderator Emeritus
DH's company 401k is closing down in Sept, and the company is not permitted to offer a new plan for one full year (you gotta wonder exactly why IRS shut them down).
Our first thoughts are max out the salary deferral contribution for that last paycheck going in (the HR dept is checking what is max permitted) and making sure that the new plan allows for massive employee salary deferrals (since we will only have Oct, Nov, Dec of 2007 to max it out).
He has a little less than $11k in it now, so we are going to be leaving a few thousand on the table for 2006; unless any bright ideas can present themselves. We already maxed the Roth IRA, so a trad IRA is not an option. Any suggestions? Insights? What are we missing...Help!
Our first thoughts are max out the salary deferral contribution for that last paycheck going in (the HR dept is checking what is max permitted) and making sure that the new plan allows for massive employee salary deferrals (since we will only have Oct, Nov, Dec of 2007 to max it out).
He has a little less than $11k in it now, so we are going to be leaving a few thousand on the table for 2006; unless any bright ideas can present themselves. We already maxed the Roth IRA, so a trad IRA is not an option. Any suggestions? Insights? What are we missing...Help!