any takers?

dory36 Founder, Developer of FIRECal
Jun 23, 2002
Unfortunately I won't be able to help, but perhaps someone else wants to jump in here?

Dory36 :p

This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the
fact that we have not met. The message could be
strange but real, if you pay some attention to it. I
could have notified you about it at least for the sake
your integrity. Please accept my sincere apologies.
In bringing this message of goodwill to you, I have to
say that I have no intention of causing you any pain.

I am Mr. Taofeek Savimbi, son of the late rebel leader
Jonas Savimbi of Angola who was killed on the 22nd of
February 2002. I managed to get your contact details
through the internet myself. Time is of importance
and I was desperately looking for a person to assist
me in this confidential business.

My late father, Jonas Savimbi was able to deposit a
large sum of money in different security vaults in
Europe. My father is dead and the movement of his
family members (including me) is restricted. We are
forbidden to either travel abroad or out of our
Presently our movement are monitored.

Right now there is a rush for my Father's wealth
but home and Abroad by the Government who are
claiming that most of the wealth was got by Arms
smuggling and therefore illegal and by my father,s
extended family and relations.

You can know more about my father by checking his
profile at URL below:

His wealth has been estimated to be approximately
$100 million and being close to my father
I happen to be in possession of documents
and information of some of the wealth. Approximately
$50 million and only my trusted mother knows
that I have this information.

Presently, there is US$50,000,000.00 (fifty
Million Dollars) cash and precious materials
my father moved to Europe before his death is
deposited in a security vault. Before
you can get access to it I have to give you the
necessary documents, the password to the vault
and power of attorney to allow you to the vault.

I am therefore soliciting your help to travel to
Amsterdam in Europe to recieve this money and
transfer in bits into your account before my
government gets wind of the funds .You know my father
was a rebel leader in Angola before his death. My
reason for doing this is because it will be
difficult for the Angolan government to trace
my father's money to an individual's account that has
relationship with the Savimbi family.

I am currently and temporarily living in Angola
and as refugee status,I intend to communicate
with you as regards this transaction via the internet
telephone but my access to communication facilities at

this point is restricted.

Moreover, the political climate in Angola at the
moment being so sensitive and unstable. With this
password and information that I will send you a
power of attorney to the security firm, When you
are ready I will give you the information needed
before you can get access to the 2kg of AU gold,
85g of pure Diamond and raw cash of USD50
million America dollars. You will then proceed
to Europe for the collection.


I await your response.

Yours sincerely

Taofeek Savimbi.
Yes, by all means. Let's jump in. God knows we
early retirees need the money.
Must be legit since the message is from Angola and not Nigeria.

At least they are asking you to go to Amsterdam and not Luanda. The Dutch authorities are very polite, speak excellent English and might manage to contain their laughter until after you finish telling your sad story.
This deal ((or a version of it) has been around over 20 years easily. Hard to believe anyone would fall for it.
If higher risk always means a higher return, this has to be a winner!

The financial press is sloppy about this relationship.


John R.
It is strange. I've seen this by email and by snail mail every few months since the late 80s.

Somebody MUST be responding, as they keep at it.

JWR1945 points out that higher risk should mean higher reward. But you need to diversify -- so sign up for EACH of these for diversification! :D

JWR1945 points out that higher risk should mean higher reward. But you need to diversify -- so sign up for EACH of these for diversification!

You should also consider a position in lottery tickets to diversify with a different sector. And perhaps a few wooden nickels for the conservative investor. And there's always real estate: REITs with holdings in Arizona beach property and Brooklyn Bridges

I'm off to see if Vanguard has any funds for these sectors...
This scam (or the Nigerian form) appears to have caused a murder:

-- Begin Quote from:
THE Czech Republic police have adduced probable reasons for the killing of a Nigerian diplomat, Mr. Michael Waidi, by a 72-year-old retiree in Prague on Wednesday.

Acting on their preliminary investigations into the murder, the police said that the suspect, whose name was not disclosed, may have been seeking revenge after being swindled of his life savings in a get-rich-quick scheme.

The 50-year-old envoy was murdered inside the embassy by the elderly Czech, who had reportedly paid several visits to the office to demand the refund of his money.

The scheme is possibly tied to the so-called 'Nigerian letters' scam, otherwise known as advanced fee fraud (419).

Prague police said the pensioner had confessed and was being detained pending a murder charge in connection with the shooting at the embassy.

"The man stated that his motive for the crime was a financial transaction, from which the Nigerian reputedly owed him financial assets, said a police statement.

Investigators said the pensioner allegedly killed Waidi and wounded a 37-year-old embassy clerk, before surrendering to the embassy guards.

The shooting broke out while the gunman and Waidi were arguing in the consul's office. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

Although police won't comment on details of the pensioner's gripe, an embassy official disclosed that the man had lost his life savings in a scam.

He had also visited the embassy "regularly for almost a year" in hopes of getting back his money.

-- End Quote --

It's sad that an innocent person died because of this scam. :(
:confused:It cant be! I just heard from ole Taofeek last week and he assured me that I was the only party that he would deal with!GLS
"... only my trusted mother knows
that I have this information."

I had to laugh at  the above line from Taofeek's scam...    hopefully the hundreds of people Taofeek Savimbi spammed with this nonsense will keep quiet.

I wonder if Taofeek accepts direct deposit:confused:
:-[ I am ashamed.


You should be ashamed of yourself for breaking this distraught individuals confidence.

mickeyd :D
The most effective hiding place can be in plain sight. By posting on this thread, Dory36 guarantees that no one is going to take the post seriously. In fact, it is the real thing.

Have fun.

John R.
The best one I've seen recently was the guy selling his powerbook on ebay. He picked up a scammer who suggested using some mysterious escrow site that appeared to be owned by the scammer.

The guy decided to have some fun with this fellow, registering with the escrow site and then crowing that he thought he liked it and was going to broker some other deals through it.

After stringing this guy along for a while, during which time a thread got started on a bbs with a bunch of people pumping the seller full of ideas, they made up a "powerbook" from a 3 ring binder with loose keyboard keys glued to the inside and the rest of the "laptop" drawn in with a marker. Packed with a couple of old books to simulate the proper weight, they mailed it to the guy (in europe) with a $2000 tax value, forcing the guy to pay several hundred in duty taxes to pick it up. He did pay up and had it delivered to an internet cafe (and barbershop), with several locals that had participated in the discussion thread there to watch, take photos, and report back.

Pretty good a search on "p-p-p-powerbook" to see the gory details.
Time to setup a new bank account and scam the scammer into transfering some money into the account for "lawyer fees" so that you can gain access to your trust fund account.... $50k should do ;)
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