I believe an "all of the above" approach will be required to fix SS ... tax hikes, benefit cuts, inflation calc changes and uncapping the taxable income. There may be some creativity in terms of finding other tax revenue sources.
I do wonder if there will be a seismic shift among younger people on the topic of who takes the cuts and whether that can apply to older folks in/near retirement. While we paid in and earned the income, younger people may think to the themselves "The older generations made themselves trillions of dollars in unfunded entitlement promises and now want me to pay for it. My answer is no." The same thing may happen with government pensions of various types.
The "OK Boomer" and "Karen" memes are part of a real feeling among lots of younger folks. Younger people have lots of good things we didn't when we were their age, but they also have financial challenges in terms of college debt, real estate costs, funding their own retirements, education costs for their kids, a recent inflation burst, and a brutal job online job search environment with lots of fake jobs posted to meet company job posting policies, AI driven resume reviews, and simply getting ghosted by companies after they apply.
You can only get so much blood from a stone.
Far from worrying about whether my SS will get cut, I'm much more concerned about my kids. And they have great educations and are both poised to launch succesfully into adulthood.