Anyone else worried about SS?

"They" don't have to take any new action to cut your benefit. It will automatically be cut across the board when the trust fund runs out, as I said up above, if no action is taken. It won't matter if you are already taking the benefit.
Didnt know that. More the reason to take it early. :oops:
I don't worry about cuts because I have a very rich Uncle. My Uncle Sam is so rich he has his own printing press, one with an unlimited* supply of green ink. So, we can all party on, dudes!
"They" don't have to take any new action to cut your benefit. It will automatically be cut across the board when the trust fund runs out, as I said up above, if no action is taken. It won't matter if you are already taking the benefit.
Exactly, no vote is needed to cut benefits. It will be automatic. Will Congress let that happen? I very much doubt it, but given what I have seen lately in regards to Federal spending and SS reform, I don’t doubt it as much as in the past. YMMV.
One would think that, with all of us baby boomers entering the transfer portal before too long, fixing Social Security wouldn’t be a big deal. Just raise the age, raise the cap, lower future pay-outs, implement means testing, and problem solved.
One would think that, with all of us baby boomers entering the transfer portal before too long, fixing Social Security wouldn’t be a big deal. Just raise the age, raise the cap, lower future pay-outs, implement means testing, and problem solved.
Agree, will start recommending everyone wait till 70 to take SS. That should help.
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