Anyone have problems with the forum on Chrome?


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 12, 2010
Sun City Texas & NEK Vermont
I've used this forum on Chrome for years. Recently, Chrome hangs up frequently... Not responding... but does come back to life eventually.

I've tried rebooting, uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, etc to no avail.

No issues using MS Edge, but I prefer Chrome.

Any thoughts?
Also using Chrome without any issues.
I've had problems here with MS Edge - so switched to Foxfire. Every once in a while, I have to erase the cookies for this site or I am unable to perform certain functions.
I was slow last night on Chrome. But we were at the beach house after a bunch of rain/wind. The wifi router was pulling off a slow tower. Back home now & everything good.
There was a Chrome update not long ago.
I also use Chrome using a Mac and an iPad, and no problems.
If using Chrome on Windows, it will not delete all user files on an uninstall so if you have issues with cookies or cache files it won’t fix the issue. You could uninstall using a third party program that searches your computer and offers to delete additional files and registry entries. Edge also uses the Chrome render engine.
Sort of what I thought... problem is here. I'll have to play around with it and see if I can figure out what the problem is. luckily, the forum is running fine on Edge (but I like Chrome better).
I've had Chrome crash a couple of times this morning. Re-started and so far, so good.

Edited to add: My workout video had been streaming so slowly the last few days that it turned a 60-minute workout into 66 minutes. After the restart it's back to normal. I must have ha da lot of stuff running in the background- and yes, I know how to check the Task Manager- it just hadn't occurred to me.
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Sometimes websites do not load 100% when I use chrome. It may take me 3 times to refresh for a website , like this one, to load completely.
Chrome works fine here. But.......I have had Chrome lock up often with other websites, forcing me to close at the same time all the Chrome browsers I have open (usually 5 of them) and reopen them all. Chrome has a Restore function so I can go back to where I was in all 5 of them. Sometimes, I have to sign into Google again before reopening the browsers so the Password Manager gets attached.
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