Other ER reading.
P.S. said:
Nords, can I ask, what books would those be?
Sure you can ask, but I'm not sure which answer you want.
I've been ER'd three years and I'm pretty confident that I don't need to "rewire". If you're asking about ER books then my favorites are Zelinski's "How to Retire" along with Terhorst's "Cashing in on the American Dream", Po Bronson's "What Should I DO With My Life", Marc Freedman's "Prime Time", and Stanley's "Millionaire" books (all three of 'em!). I also liked Joe Dominguez' "Your Money Or Your Life" but the end of the story is too sad.
Other examples of books I'd rather read (than be rewired) are all over this board. Use the "Advanced Search" feature to look for my posts with the word "book" in them.
If you're wondering what's on my endtable right now it's:
How to Parlay Your IRA (Ed Slott),
High Probability Trading (Marcel Link),
Market Forces (Richard K. Morgan-- talk about career burnout!!),
Rubicon (Tom Holland),
Stretching Scientifically (Thomas Kurz, ouch), and
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Betty Edwards).
Most of those are library books that were on my "reserve" list. I'm still waiting on:
A Salty Piece of Land (Jimmy Buffett, of all people),
The Black Angel (John Connolly),
It's Not Funny If I Have To Explain It (Dilbert/Scott Adams),
Appaloosa (Robert B. Parker),
The Closers (Michael Connelly), and
eBay for Dummies (Marsha Collier). I'm also #159 on Hawaii's list for the new Harry Potter novel...
If you're wondering what's on my reading list, that's a nine-page Word document. It used to be three pages when I was working for a living and I used to fantasize about finishing the list when I retired. I don't think it's going to get any smaller, but I'll post it if you want me to!