Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
From reviews I've seen it's one of the better software packages for DIY planners. It's only $120/year and there's evidently a 14 day free trial, though I'm not inclined to take advantage of that. I'm mostly interested in optimizing taxes, Roth conversions, avoiding IRMAA, Social Security DW, optimizing for heirs, and it appears more adept than I am with my homegrown spreadsheets. If nothing else, a second opinion before it's too late for me in 3 years.
I've looked at Pralana and it appears just as capable, but less user friendly - more spreadsheet oriented? Right Capital appears to be better than Boldin, but you have to work through a professional advisor to get access, and that would be WAY more than $120/year.
Just wondered if anyone here has first hand experience, and ran into shortcomings?
I've looked at Pralana and it appears just as capable, but less user friendly - more spreadsheet oriented? Right Capital appears to be better than Boldin, but you have to work through a professional advisor to get access, and that would be WAY more than $120/year.
Just wondered if anyone here has first hand experience, and ran into shortcomings?