Are you capable of being okay with lazy? I’m learning to!

Anyone that feels guilty of being lazy can come to my place!
We don't have time to be lazy!
Hmmm....Interesting question. I have so many things going on but I try to take Sunday off as my "free day"...This is the day that I give myself the option to do or not to do. I read more, putter, go on long walks, call friends, don't cook unless I'm really wanting to.
But otherwise, I have lots to do everyday, mostly things I look forward to and want to do. We have been living mostly at the farm since the first of the year and, as you can imagine, there is ALWAYS a ton to do. We were gone for a week to check on parents and I spent the first day back just mowing and shredding the pastures. And I love it! I don't love everything about having too much to do and we're evaluating that. But I can't imagine not being active, not being outside when it's cool enough (this IS Texas after all...:oops:), not waking up with something waiting for me to do. I also cook a lot in the hot part of the day (big garden) and we are planning a remodel so I'm never "ahead." For all of those reasons, taking one day off with no (or almost no) obligations makes that day that much more special. Watching tv in the middle of the day isn't a treat for me. It feels depressing. Different strokes for different folks.
To answer your question, Kind Of. I love to stay busy and if there are things to do, I don't like to have tings stack up or like to put things off.
I can do a little of the relax thing, but I enjoy getting things done and lazy just isn't in my genes.
Great topic! Society tells us we are lazy if we don’t have a bazillion things to do. I say BS. I have learned to what I want, when I want and am sooo happy!

When I was younger I enjoyed doing lots of things, all the time …especially when our kids were younger.

Now, I tell my kids to absolutely take at least one day a week to do absolutely nothing but lounge, read, nap or whatever else makes them happy! It is critical to your overall health to not be doing something all the time!

I love retired life and having fun doing what I want to do. Hubby still feels “guilty” sometimes but he is getting over that real fast 😂😂

Right now I am in my PJ’s at 2pm going through emails and getting ready to do my Wordle, Connections & Strands 😎 Then it will be tea time/reading a book and maybe a nap 🤭
Yea... all these things (like above) keep getting in the way of me doing something productive.. :2funny:
I've been lazy for the past couple of weeks, mainly due to a death in the family (brother in-law). Except to go to the gym, I can't develop much motivation. Generally, I'm OK with slowing down for a couple of weeks at a time, but I've been frustrated with this.

Tomorrow, I've decided to go on a group day hike just to get away and talk to people.
There's "lazy" and there is sloth. I'm lazy in that I tend not to expend a lot of effort and energy doing things that don't need doing if they aren't something I enjoy. But I'm not slothful in that the dishes still get washed, the food still gets cooked, the bathrooms are still cleaned, the yard is still at least presentable (I'm way beyond caring about "immaculate").
There's "lazy" and there is sloth. I'm lazy in that I tend not to expend a lot of effort and energy doing things that don't need doing if they aren't something I enjoy. But I'm not slothful in that the dishes still get washed, the food still gets cooked, the bathrooms are still cleaned, the yard is still at least presentable (I'm way beyond caring about "immaculate").
I have to put off lazy until the house is done, but I will not be a slave to a constantly washed car or manicured yard 👍're doing work for free and they're whining about certifications? lol I'd be out of there so fast and as I left saying "have fun paying for someone certified."
The certification study is unpaid. Once I pass it and renew my certification, they will pay me to do the work. (Which is teaching technical classes, BTW, so there is some justification for me to need a certification. They think I should prove to students that I’m qualified to be in front of the room, and worth the $$$ the students paid for the training.)

I just discovered that they’re cutting my main class in half. Which means I’ll get paid half as much to teach it. I told them they were already paying too little, and it was barely worth my time. If they cut it in half, it’s not worth the bother. They haven’t replied yet, but I can guess what they’ll say.

So I’ll have more time to practice my lazy…
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Well today my one thing took five hours.

I washed, clay blocked and waxed my beloved Tesla. About time. Last wax was May 2023 right after I bought it.

I used Meguiars ceramic wax and it held up really well. Although I did not drive much in the crappy weather and used the detail touch up spray every week or two on the front and back.
The guilt thing took me a year and a half.

Poof. Gone.

OP here. I admit to still struggling with it some, even after 4 years of mostly part-time consulting. I had one stretch of full-time for 11 months, which was instructive. It was too much pressure and it was a relief when it went back to part-time. Finances-willing, I won’t make that mistake again.

Another interesting thing is, I have two high-earning friends who could FIRE but can’t yet mentally. However, they compliment me on “getting work in its proper place” for myself. Different strokes.
I admit I'm a slacker. To justify my existence, I try to do ONE productive thing each day. For example, I have a phobia about making a doctor's appointment. A simple task really, but I put it off and then I put it off some more. Eventually, it becomes the one accomplishment for the day.
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