Are you up or down as of 6/30 for the year?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jun 18, 2008
I was just checking my investments performance for the year through 6/30. I was above water for the year until the big drop this week but I now have a very slight loss in net worth, the loss includes my WR to live on, with only passive income to live on since 1/1/15 I am down slightly, .001 of total assets.

Just wondering how those who are living SOLELY off their portfolio are doing this year.
While I don't think the way you are looking at it is the correct way to look at it since withdrawal rates vary greatly, my current retirement balance is 0.6% more than it was at the beginning of the year (after withdrawals).

There are a couple reasons that is not a good way to look at it. The 0.6% ignores dividends on my taxable accounts that I receive directly and are not reinvested. That would change the 0.6% to 0.88%. It also doesn't factor in withdrawals, which are 3% annually or 1.5% for the 1/2 year.
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up a little over 2% as of today.
Whenever these show me yours and I'll show you mine threads come up, I am always in the bottom half. This time I am up 4.75% YTD, in the top half for the first time ever IIRC. Just shows every dog (AA) has it's day...
Looks to be up only about 1% since January 1.
Total Return on portfolio Up 0.59% YTD 6/30

Total portfolio down 0.58% (mostly due to "spending" my after tax distro's).

Things were certainly looking a lot better at the end of Feb.
Total Return is +2.0% with 60 / 40 AA
Portfolio is +1.5% since beginning the year

But we are not living solely off of our portfolio.
While I don't think the way you are looking at it is the correct way to look at it since withdrawal rates vary greatly, my current retirement balance is 0.6% more than it was at the beginning of the year (after withdrawals).

There are a couple reasons that is not a good way to look at it. The 0.6% ignores dividends on my taxable accounts that I receive directly and are not reinvested. That would change the 0.6% to 0.88%. It also doesn't factor in withdrawals, which are 3% annually or 1.5% for the 1/2 year.

I am just looking at it in the simple manner of what has happened to my portfolio this year as I withdraw from it to live on. The market has not been doing much this year but enough to almost cover my withdrawals. It felt good to know that. It would feel better if it was up after withdrawals, but I ain't complaining.
I'll have to wait to get back to the main PC to get a number, but I just happened to have rebalanced, selling some US equities before this latest market action, so maybe that helped.
Up less than 1%, after adjustment for withdrawal.
Up, .997 with more than 25% of spending YTD on travel for a trip to the Galapagos/Machu Picchu. Current WR 2.5% so I may be a little behind except the next 6 months will probably be less than 1% WR.
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Pretty flat for the year. Trading account still doing *ok* at 22% YTD but 401K has the most money and it is maybe up 1% YTD.
Up a tad from Jan. And down a little from the peak. Not enough either way to break out he calculator.
I'm up about 3.46% for the year, but I'm still w*rking, so that doesn't really count. I did a quick calculation on how things would be if I was retired, subtracting out 401k contributions I made, and assuming a 3% SWR. I would still be up about 2.1%, so not too shabby I guess.
Up a little over 2%, thanks to ex-US equities.
A moderate growth 60/40 index fund represented by Vanguard LifeStrategy Moderate Growth fund VSMGX has a total return of 1.65% YTD through 6/30/2015.
I was above water for the year until the big drop this week but I now have a very slight loss in net worth, the loss includes my WR to live on, .

Up 2% after yesterday's drop.

**But what I do is include my W/D's as if they were still there. I just keep them as a separate line item.

My W/Ds are lumpy year to year but this way, I can have a good comparison on portfolio performance...then at the start of each year, I true up the balance with an accurate number as the starting point for the upcoming year.

Otherwise, if I had a year with large W/Ds, it could look like my investments weren't performing well, even if they were.
Only looking at 2/3rds of what I own... portfolio down 6% with earnings of 1.6%...

Bought MIL a condo with cash... we will eventually get it back, but I did not include it in portfolio... cause I cannot spend it....
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