Babies/Toddlers Dancing/Moving with Music


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Nov 30, 2016
I haven't been around babies or toddlers since the last 4 years or so. What is so interesting to me how these young 6 month and up to toddlers dance/swaying/moving to music.

I have a granddaughter 20 months old and any music she is moving to the music. She did it around 6 month old was the first time we noticed it. Just amazing to me.

About 3 weeks ago he watched her and over lunch time my wife put on Taylor Swift song "Shake it Off". OMG what a fun time we had all dancing in the kitchen. Lol

How many have experienced it with your kids or grandkids etc?
When I was a young mom back in the 80’s I used to have MTV on a lot when at home.
One time I just had the stereo on- no TV.
My youngest son who was about 18 months old started dancing and then started hitting the tv screen. I couldn’t figure out why and then I realized that he wanted the videos on too.
He’s still quite the dancer.
Yeah, it’s clearly instinctive and part of being human.
+1 I recall it in my 'baby brother' 13 years younger than me. I was learning "The Baby Elephant Walk" on keyboards when he was just crawling. That has a definite 'jazzy/boogie beat', and every time I played that rhythm he'd start rocking back and forth.

My grand daughter would really respond to any music, moving/swaying if we just walked by some music playing. Not so much interest past toddler age though. It really is deep inside our instincts.

My 6 year old nephew still dances to music on if he likes the song. The pre-teens have outgrown it except I’m sure they will dance at parties. I still like to boogie down.
ms gamboolgal started dancing with our little newborn Granddaughter very soon after she was born and still does now at almost 10 month old.

It calms the baby down and now she just smiles and loves dancing with Grandma. Likely as not she will go to sleep while Grandma is dancing her.

The Granddaughter seems to like what we play... ha !

When we put the music on she just smiles, and she also likes watching the music videos of the songs.

As a Infant, this was her favorite and just playing it would calm her down....

She also likes different kinds of music:

Grandbabies are so precious 🥰
I don't think I ever had that particular "dancing gene." I couldn't dance as a kid and still can't.

I watched a couple of HS girls dance to a song they sang while doing a skit. Their movements were intentionally awkward and didn't match the music at all.

I recall a line from their song that went like this:

"You see I just washed both my feet and I can't do nothin' with 'em."

That's the way I feel about dancing.

Returning you now...
Rocking and dancing, two things I did consistently with my grandsons.
They both still love music and movement.
I was a dancing fool when I was in high school! Suzie and I would rock all night! That was during the 1960's when early Rock and Roll was the thing. I should have married her....but Uncle Sam called fme or the free, all expense paid vacation....
I was a dancing fool when I was in high school! Suzie and I would rock all night! That was during the 1960's when early Rock and Roll was the thing. I should have married her....but Uncle Sam called fme or the free, all expense paid vacation....
We used to call that "A McNamara Fellowship to scenic South East Asia." Due to a high draft number I missed out on that one.

Thanks for your service.
I was a dancing fool when I was in high school! Suzie and I would rock all night!
Did you have an old gold Chevy and a place of your own, too?

Sorry. Couldn't resist. Personally, it's been decades since I've been drunk enough to think I could dance. Probably better for everybody this way.
There was a poetic expression (and thank you Abba) 'I could dance before I could walk', looks like it is simply true.
LOL!! Loved the responses!!!

He got to watch GD about an hour late afternoon mom and dad went a wedding and we got to have some with GD. Lol

Of course, grandma played SHAKE IT UP. She sways shoulder lifts and moves her hands like a skilled dancer. She loves music and smiles comes to her face and starts to sway with the tune. I just find every interesting.
Take videos !!!!!!!!!!! going thru my 26K of pics and some of the old 20 second videos of kids dancing puts a smile on my face.... THEN during the Rehearsal dinners for wedding you can bring the up on the big screen ! ;-)
Take videos !!!!!!!!!!! going thru my 26K of pics and some of the old 20 second videos of kids dancing puts a smile on my face.... THEN during the Rehearsal dinners for wedding you can bring the up on the big screen ! ;-)
Yes, I'm sure the kids will thank you for that - NOT! :facepalm: :cool:
That would be interesting!!!
In May of 2023 we went to our niece’s wedding where our grandkids took over the dance floor, including break dancing of all things! The kids were 5-6 years old!
Our Two year old grandson loves to dance and will dance to any music! He especially loves to get out on the dance floor if there is a live band. A big hit at some of our town festivals. He has a much better sense of rhythm than I do!
After reading Dennett, Pinker, and oh so many more, brains seem to run on about a 4 Hz refresh cycle. Training and tuning that cycle starts early. Soon enough they will be bobbing and weaving, some to Motorhead, some to Grateful Dead. The blessings of the social animal.
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