Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Well we missed the first Toronto snow (Aw never mind) and now we are begining our 6 winter months in the Caribbean. We are currently in Tortola BVIs for about 2 weeks at Nanny Cay Marina, anyone know it? We are continuing our stint aboard our friends 45' R&C Leopard Catamaran. He may be selling it at the end of this season so we want to make the most of it. Lots of maintenance and cleaning to do after it's summer sleep. We will be spending Xmas and NY in the USVIs St. John or St Thomas. I will post some pics for all my friends here on the board. At the usual web address, If that link does not work go to and click on Cruising The Caribbean. We will be installing radar this week so I will probably document that escapade also.
I hope this is the correct place to post this note, as we have not actually retired afloat, I think it is better placed in the Lifestyles section. No doubt the moderator will make the decision.
I hope this is the correct place to post this note, as we have not actually retired afloat, I think it is better placed in the Lifestyles section. No doubt the moderator will make the decision.