unclemick2 said:Having been brainwashed by years of public school and the University of Washington - long ago and far away - I actually used good spelling and proper grammer once apon a time.
Years of aerospace slang, practice and hard work can overcome a handicap like this - you don't have to live that way.
Webtv with a sticky keyboard was a great help. Avoid spell checker. Try some Cajun flipping of noun and verb positions for effect. Pick up a tad of internet slang. Practice some 9th ward New Orleans 'talk rite's.'
Stick with it - proper spelling and 'Good English' - can be eridicated in our time.
Unclemick: O.K., you can talk and spell like most folks. (heh, heh, heh).
Please don't make it a habit though.
Your short-hand style forces me to think once in a while. (A good thing).