A short article in the WSJ: Steve Ballmer, the Non-Investing Guru of Investing.
If you have Apple News, here’s a link: Steve Ballmer, the Non-Investing Guru of Investing — The Wall Street Journal
Except for his high allocation to a single stock, he’d fit in here well. But as noted in the article, it’s worked out really well for him (and he has less need to diversify).
WSJ: Can you walk us through your investment strategy?
Ballmer: I own an index fund. We moved it back to be just the U.S. and Europe. Keep it simple. Maybe we own Japan too. We’re mostly dialing out of private equity, but you can’t get out of that overnight. The only stock I really study still is Microsoft, because that’s still overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly the No. 1 thing that I own.
If you have Apple News, here’s a link: Steve Ballmer, the Non-Investing Guru of Investing — The Wall Street Journal
Except for his high allocation to a single stock, he’d fit in here well. But as noted in the article, it’s worked out really well for him (and he has less need to diversify).