Here is a weird one (I think). My DS has been living in Austin, TX working on his doctorate for the past two years with three other doctoral students. When they signed the lease, family members including myself, paid the security deposits (nearly $4k total). The lease ended 8/30 and the four young students moved out to complete their field work. On Friday, I received a bank check from the landlord for the entire security deposit with the notation that I am to deposit the check and distribute the security deposits back to the others. That would be fine except.....the check is made out to all of the security deposit contributors with the word "and" between the names. I emailed the landlord and said that this was not feasible. Was told that the security deposit has to be returned in one check ("by TX law") and because it is a bank check, she will not re-issue it with "or".
I signed the check and deposited it via bank app. It was not immediately rejected, but that doesn't mean much. If it is rejected for improper endorsement, what are my options? I don't know any of these people and they live in Texas and Louisiana. To mail the check to receive a series of signatures sounds time-consuming and risky. Any ideas?
I signed the check and deposited it via bank app. It was not immediately rejected, but that doesn't mean much. If it is rejected for improper endorsement, what are my options? I don't know any of these people and they live in Texas and Louisiana. To mail the check to receive a series of signatures sounds time-consuming and risky. Any ideas?