I also sear my roast and then put it in a crock pot with either a half cup of beef broth or red wine . If you use red wine sip while cooking .
I cut little slits into the top and insert slivers of fresh garlic and roast at 400F for an hour or so. Then slice very thin across the grain. Serve with a salad.
I like to smoke a brisket or bottom round for a couple of hours and then put in the crock pot with garlic cloves, carrots, potatoes, a little fresh oregano and cook on low for 6-8 hours. The light smoking really adds a nice touch.
Same here, with an emphasis on "a lot of garlic cloves", and we usually dump in maybe 1/4 cup of water or beef stock to add some moisture, and season it with some black pepper too.I use bbbamI's recipe with a lot of garlic cloves added.
I just throw the roast in a crock pot, cut up some onions and carrots, put them on top and scatter around the sides of the roast. Then I add medium whole potatoes, place them on top and let it cook for 8 hours on low. I don't add water, salt or pepper. If you don't have enough time to cook on low, cook on high about 4 hours, test the carrots once or twice after cooking for three hours, if they're soft...everything is done.