Big change in our plans

Hi W2R

I think it's best to make decisions like where to move, selling houses, etc., AFTER retirement. Because it's really difficult while working to figure out where someone really wants to live or even what one really wants to spend most of their time doing. IMO it takes a year or two of being retired and experimenting with the new lifestyle options to really figure that out.

I'm thinking your case is a supporting example?

Congrats for figuring it out, and for not having to move!

W2R enjoy your new found permanence in NO. You and Frank need to have a celebration and burn those real estate signs and then break out your stored stuff and make your house your home again.
Hi W2R

I think it's best to make decisions like where to move, selling houses, etc., AFTER retirement. Because it's really difficult while working to figure out where someone really wants to live or even what one really wants to spend most of their time doing. IMO it takes a year or two of being retired and experimenting with the new lifestyle options to really figure that out.

I'm thinking your case is a supporting example?

Congrats for figuring it out, and for not having to move!


Thanks, Audrey! :) I am not sure I'm exactly a "supporting example" at all, though. I didn't figure anything out! This is all F.'s idea, not mine. I would be happy in either place.

What is really "floating my boat" right now is the fact that I can proceed with the assumption of some permanence. Ah.... Home! :D

W2R enjoy your new found permanence in NO. You and Frank need to have a celebration and burn those real estate signs and then break out your stored stuff and make your house your home again.

Thanks! How cool that while I was typing the word "permanence" (above), unknown to me you were talking about it too. I can't wait to get into those stacked boxes in my closets. Should be fun to see what's in them. :)
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Thanks, Audrey! :) I am not sure I'm exactly a "supporting example" at all, though. I didn't figure anything out! This is all F.'s idea, not mine. I would be happy in either place.

What is really "floating my boat" right now is the fact that I can proceed with the assumption of some permanence. Ah.... Home! :D

Thanks! How cool that while I was typing the word "permanence" (above), unknown to me you were talking about it too. I can't wait to get into those stacked boxes in my closets. Should be fun to see what's in them. :)

Must be because they say great minds think alike! :D
Good Luck. Now you can enjoy the house that you fixed up.
Good Luck. Now you can enjoy the house that you fixed up.

Thanks, and yes - - thank goodness that the neutral paint color and carpet are shades that I happen to like. I might paint an accent wall in the bedroom. I sure will be glad to get some pictures back up on the walls. And after all that donating and tossing out, my closets seem vast and spacious. :)


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I am happy for you! Others have taken many of the good words and wishes!! Ditto!! Hope to meet you & Frank for a beverage & snack this spring!
W2R, congrats on making a difficult decison, and for keeping us in the loop. Sometimes the only thing worse than not realizing your goals is achieving them.

And besides, the Bamboo Inn closed recently, so the food is definitely better in Nawlins.:LOL:
Good call! Sometimes the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. And besides, I doubt Missouri has beignets.
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W2R, good for you! Enjoy that newly remodeled house! And I'm glad you are staying in NO so you don't have to keep the house clean any more! :)
I would liken Frank's motivation to my own. I married a guy from somewhere else, but told him early on that this was my home and I'd have a very hard time relocating to somewhere else later. I can see how Frank feels about leaving NO because I have the same motivation to stay here. My DH is like you--he's happy anywhere, but wants to know the plan so he can settle in.
Y'all are a super match! :)
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Yes, the upside is that you now live in a freshly painted and carpeted home. Now all you need is a 30amp plug outside for rv visitors. ;)

I bet your house will be nice and homey when you pull out your pictures and personal doodads.
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Glad to hear you are going to be able to take advantages of all those renovations you did in the hope of selling.

Personally I think it is a bonus that you did the decluttering as now you can just get on with enjoying life in the city you love.
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You could do a LOT worse than NOLA!!! :)
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Congratulations on your decision.....who knows you might change your mind again, HOWEVER, being able to mentally settle down to something you know will be fairly stable for the near and possible far future definitely eases your transition.

And, I was not surprised, either. MO is not NO :)
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I started to discuss his decision with him when he told me about it, mostly because I was worried that maybe he hadn't thought it through and would change his mind again. But once he told me he was very sure of this decision, I realized that I really was OK with it. I am also OK with him making the decision, because I have been so indecisive about this issue. I know that he is thinking of what is best for both of us and I'm glad one of us has a clue about that (because I really don't know).
What's with all this "Frank made a decision" stuff? Didn't you have at least half the vote too?

Just for the sake of an interesting conversation you'll have to ask him what he'd do if you still wanted to move to MO. Or maybe not.

You'll also have to bookmark this thread so that you can refer to it often during hurricane season... and after every evacuation. I feel that same sense of foreboding every 1 June and whenever spouse says "Ruh-roh-- come take a look at this satellite looper..."

Nope, you were "unemployed pending relocation". :)
"Just one more year!!"
More thoughts:

(a) a buyer for your houses will now appear
(b) that new electric rice cooker is going to look swell on those cleared kitchen counters.
It sounds like a good decision for you two for the present. How do you spell Relief? ;)

I can relate a bit because Mr B and I are juggling with the same type of question now - move or stay. We both got trapped here (in the East Nowhere area) by spouses wanting to live right near their families. What w*rked before, in our separate younger days, does not w*rk now in our middle aged days together, on both sides of the coin. I hope that made sense...

Our motives are different for wanting to move. We are talking it over on a weekly basis. I think we have reached a consensus...not right now but not never. He has a few remaining irons in the fire that he needs to straighten out. I am ready to go in a heartbeat, but I will admit my house is awfully nice to live in. We will have a tough time duplicating the quality of our current living quarters. I don't want to see him (and definitely not me) return to w*rk for any reason. :nonono:

So we will both do short trips together once the weather clears. I'm happy with that. :D

Compromise is a beautiful thing. :)
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I knew you'd miss your pretty house. Congratulations on a decision that makes you happy!

Congratulations on being flexible. One less thing to worry about.
You need to add up all the projected selling, buying, and moving expenses and put them in the fun money bucket!
If it makes you happy, we're happy for you as others have said - seriously. I've never lived in NOLA or Springfield but I've lived several places down south and several in the midwest and I'd guess they are radically different. NOLA would have to be a lot more fun and interesting. The midwest is safe and low cost, but pretty boring by comparison (others are welcome to their opinions, but after 28 years my POV is firm).

And if you're having any second thoughts, there's no reason at all. You have your whole lives to change your mind again - enjoy yourselves.
Frank made a firm and momentous decision. We are going to stay in New Orleans for the foreseeable future and that is that, case closed.

His reasons are many, including the economy and the location of opportunities for him to find an ESR job if needed. But regardless of his reasons, the upshot of it is that we will be staying in New Orleans.

Well I have only two comments
1- Enjoy your fixed up house in an area you like .Good decision !
2- Guys do not try this at home . After giving away most of our furniture and working like a dog to fix up a house most women will be pretty pissed by your change in direction .:):):)
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