Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Yeah, in fact, I'm sitting here thinking why WOULDN'T folks with those salaries of twice what I retired with now have $2 - 3M??During my work years I had a 'rule of thirds' - 1/3 of my income went to savings, 1/3 to taxes and 1/3 to me to spend. Add to that always maxing out my 401K and getting the full company match. This was a while ago so my numbers are lower, but I started my career at 28 with zero savings and had made my first million 15 years later with an average salary around $70K over that time.
So with salaries now about double what I made I don't think it at all improbable that folks are amassing $2-3M by their md-40s.
So for those of us on this side of the "argument", it's sort of a no-brainer that folks could and would save that kind of money. We're sorta surprised - the opposite way of OP - that people DON'T have $2 -3M in their late 40s. Heh, heh, go figure!

I guess, for us, it's just expected and "normal." It's a whole other way of thinking. It's FIRE thinking. Again, YMMV.