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When has MBS dragged down Total Bond Mkt? Is this a worry going forward that has not yet asserted itself in recent decades? I recall Swedroe didn't like Total Bond Mkt and I think it was because of the MBS holdings.
My holdings are vfidx and vcobx in intermediate IG. Also have ibond and short term IG. It looks like vcobx has 23% MBS.
When I look at a long term chart of VBTLX (total bond mkt) versus VFITX (intermediate Treasury) I don't see any sustained period of underperformance for VBTLX. In the period April 2004 to June 2006 (when 5yr Treasuries rose a lot) VBTLX outperformed VFITX.
My holdings are vfidx and vcobx in intermediate IG. Also have ibond and short term IG. It looks like vcobx has 23% MBS.
When I look at a long term chart of VBTLX (total bond mkt) versus VFITX (intermediate Treasury) I don't see any sustained period of underperformance for VBTLX. In the period April 2004 to June 2006 (when 5yr Treasuries rose a lot) VBTLX outperformed VFITX.
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