BPH Options


The other thing that makes a noticeable difference is having sex. Almost better than Flomax and lasts about a week.
Are you a doctor, I would like a prescription I could show to my wife.
Doctors orders, honey.
Update: Had my PETscan last Friday. It was a snap; easier than an MRI. Everything came back negative, meaning that there's been no spread and the cancer is contained to the prostate. While this was somewhat expected, it is reassuring to know for sure. Kind of made my day.

Next step is a meeting in a few weeks with "the trinity" of a robotic surgeon, radiologist and an oncologist to map out a course of action, most likely radiation.

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marko, very happy for you. Here is to many, many more years of FIRE! Blessings.
marko, very happy for you. Here is to many, many more years of FIRE! Blessings.
Thanks. Not out of the woods yet with likely weeks of radiation ahead of me but having it not have spread elsewhere makes things a whole lot more cleaner. "Entirely curable" was my docs last comment.
That's good news Marko.
It is the not knowing which is the hardest part of Pca, Really good news.
Update: met with a three doctor team today at Mass General (one of the best facilities on the planet). Oncologist, radiologist and robotic surgeon. They did an impressive job of reviewing my case earlier in the day and even consulted with the original surgeon.

My case is somewhat unique in that I had 80% of my prostate removed 18 months ago, showed no cancer but now there is some. Because of the prior surgery, I'm not a candidate for surgery nor the new "cyberknife" radiation.

So, the plan is traditional radiation, "five days for six weeks" coupled with hormone therapy. The good news is that my PETscan shows no migration anywhere. Also the radiation center is four miles from my house so an easy commute with minor inconvenience. (Aiming for early morning sessions) Radiologist and oncologist will co-lead the effort.

I'm extremely encouraged. At least now we have a plan. They all echoed "entirely curable", obviously with no guarantees. There's a lot of preparation involved including a SOAR procedure (if you don't know, don't ask) but I should be good to start mid-February and have it wrapped up by April.

I'll keep you posted.
Continuing on my BPH journey. Been on .8 mg of Tamsulosin for several years. My days are fine but nights involve getting up to use the bathroom 3-6 times. Have not slept through the night in 10-15 years. Last Dr. visit exam showed moderately enlarged prostate but my PSA had jumped from 3 to 5 in recent years (3). Had a UroCuff today and as in the past can not fully void my bladder; even though I spent about 3 minutes in the Urocuff trying to empty myself. Get the results for that next week.
In two weeks, a trans-rectal MRI to look for prostate abnormalities and then after that, likely a Cytoscope. Dr. Believes that some sort of procedure; HoLep, Turp, laser....is in my future (gotta clear the Cancer question first)
And I am only 61 years old.
Continuing on my BPH journey. Been on .8 mg of Tamsulosin for several years. My days are fine but nights involve getting up to use the bathroom 3-6 times. Have not slept through the night in 10-15 years. Last Dr. visit exam showed moderately enlarged prostate but my PSA had jumped from 3 to 5 in recent years (3). Had a UroCuff today and as in the past can not fully void my bladder; even though I spent about 3 minutes in the Urocuff trying to empty myself. Get the results for that next week.
In two weeks, a trans-rectal MRI to look for prostate abnormalities and then after that, likely a Cytoscope. Dr. Believes that some sort of procedure; HoLep, Turp, laser....is in my future (gotta clear the Cancer question first)
And I am only 61 years old.
God Bless! Hang in there.
Continuing on my BPH journey. Been on .8 mg of Tamsulosin for several years. My days are fine but nights involve getting up to use the bathroom 3-6 times. Have not slept through the night in 10-15 years. Last Dr. visit exam showed moderately enlarged prostate but my PSA had jumped from 3 to 5 in recent years (3). Had a UroCuff today and as in the past can not fully void my bladder; even though I spent about 3 minutes in the Urocuff trying to empty myself. Get the results for that next week.
In two weeks, a trans-rectal MRI to look for prostate abnormalities and then after that, likely a Cytoscope. Dr. Believes that some sort of procedure; HoLep, Turp, laser....is in my future (gotta clear the Cancer question first)
And I am only 61 years old.
Kevin I have similar BPH issues, and ~2-3 bathroom visits per night with slow urine release. Also PSA results over ~ 4 years moved from 3.5 - 4.8 and 68 years old.
I need to see new urologist very soon. Pray we don’t have anything worse.
Please keep posting and Good Luck.
Kevin I have similar BPH issues, and ~2-3 bathroom visits per night with slow urine release. Also PSA results over ~ 4 years moved from 3.5 - 4.8 and 68 years old.
I need to see new urologist very soon. Pray we don’t have anything worse.
Please keep posting and Good Luck.
I hope you don’t have anything worse as well. But whatever it is, the sooner you know the better of course. Best of luck.

My PSA only went over 4 in the last few years. I assumed it was had BPH with no family history, but turned out I do have PCa. Diagnosed very early, and I begin treatment next week. I am glad were addressing it sooner than later, and I’m not worried at all.
My jump in PSA may well be from a recent three-week bout with COVID. For whatever reason, COVID can affect the prostate.
Continuing on my BPH journey. Been on .8 mg of Tamsulosin for several years. My days are fine but nights involve getting up to use the bathroom 3-6 times. Have not slept through the night in 10-15 years. Last Dr. visit exam showed moderately enlarged prostate but my PSA had jumped from 3 to 5 in recent years (3). Had a UroCuff today and as in the past can not fully void my bladder; even though I spent about 3 minutes in the Urocuff trying to empty myself. Get the results for that next week.
In two weeks, a trans-rectal MRI to look for prostate abnormalities and then after that, likely a Cytoscope. Dr. Believes that some sort of procedure; HoLep, Turp, laser....is in my future (gotta clear the Cancer question first)
And I am only 61 years old.
On Tamsulosin for less than a year now. It w*rks pretty well but I still usually make one night time trip to the bathroom. I do not look forward to whatever is next in the BPH journey. Good luck to all of us guys.
I've been on Tamsulosin for over 25 years, since I was in my early 50's. 0.4mg at first, then increased to 0.8mg about 15 years ago. They added Finasteride 5mg a couple of years after I started Tamsulosin. The doc who started me on Finasteride said the first doc made a mistake and it should have been started along with the Tamsulosin.

Things have worked out ok so far. I get up zero to twice per night, mostly once. I still have some "suddenly urgent" episodes during the day so I keep that in mind while we're out and about. My prostate, once quite enlarged, is now only slightly enlarged.

My PSA runs about 1.0. Last summer, on a camping trip, I contracted an UTI. Back home, doc tested and my PSA had skyrocketed to 9.0. A round of antibiotics fixed things and retest showed my PSA back down to 1.0.

I'm 77 and hoping to just plod on with the meds until the end avoiding TURP or other procedures. My urologist, who I haven't actually seen in several years, just wants my GP to prescribe the Tamsulosin and Finasteride and let him know if anything changes for the worse.
Urocuff showed considerable blockage (duh), so I had a cytoscope today. Dr's words, "your prostate is humongous". And my bladder is a fibrous mess. Going to schedule Aquablation for (likely) March.
Urocuff showed considerable blockage (duh), so I had a cytoscope today. Dr's words, "your prostate is humongous". And my bladder is a fibrous mess. Going to schedule Aquablation for (likely) March.
I guess "humongous" is a technical, medical term. ;)

Keep us posted on how it goes. I don't think I'm at the humongous size yet, but definitely growing. :(
I guess "humongous" is a technical, medical term. ;)

Keep us posted on how it goes. I don't think I'm at the humongous size yet, but definitely growing. :(
Mine was 10X normal size when they removed it last year. Good luck.
Have my prostate MRI this Saturday and just got my aquablation scheduled for early March. I am so ready to move forward; in the bathroom 6x last night.
Have my prostate MRI this Saturday and just got my aquablation scheduled for early March. I am so ready to move forward; in the bathroom 6x last night.

Six times! I can understand you're ready to move forward.

I did the Urocuff thingy a year ago and had acceptable results. I am on Alfuzosin (like Tamsulosin) and it's working for me so far. My urologist says I'm a candidate for aquablation at some point in the future. He's recommending Rezum. My next checkup (PSA) is in 2 weeks.

I'm curious to hear how the aquablation goes for you.
Urocuff showed considerable blockage (duh), so I had a cytoscope today. Dr's words, "your prostate is humongous". And my bladder is a fibrous mess. Going to schedule Aquablation for (likely) March.
Unfortunately, size matters.... :)
My urologist says I'm a candidate for aquablation at some point in the future. He's recommending Rezum. My next checkup (PSA) is in 2 weeks.

I'm curious to hear how the aquablation goes for you.
A high school classmate recently reported that his aquablation went well, and that his first post-widowhood sexual encounter (after the procedure) was satisfactory. Given that I just went to the higher dose of Tamsulosin, I appreciated his willingness to share the information.
I have been on .8 mg of tamsulosin for fours years (I had to go back and look it up). I am so ready for this ordeal to be done. Upon questioning, my urologist admitted that at my age, 61, i will have to have another prostate procedure in about 10-15 years.
Unfortunately, size matters.... :)
Along with shape.
Mine was not especially large at 62 grams* but the growth was directed towards the bladder neck causing greater restriction.

* I was puzzled by the measurement choice of weight rather than volume until I realized that it would be easier to weigh the removed tissue as opposed to a volume measurement.
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