Breakthrough club

Vaccine induced and disease induced are different, but it's something I don't think gets as much focus as it deserves. Population studies seemed to indicate being exposed to the whole virus was more protective than just being exposed to the few shapes of the engineered vaccines, which makes sense to me, but most stats I've seen don't cover that.

There was a paper that, as far as I can discern, says immunity from having had the disease is 100 times "better" against severe infection than having no immunity (from disease or vaccine). I didn't get that the paper had a solid take-away for how natural immunity compared to vaccine induced immunity, but I didn't spend too much time with noodling on it. Seems like that info could be teased out of the (population) data.
for a person who has already had a primary infection, the risk of having a severe reinfection is only approximately 1% of the risk of a previously uninfected person having a severe primary infection.
With the concept of waning immunity, I'll add that the median time between primary and reinfection was 277 days.

This link is an op-ed in NEJM, but points to the paper from Qatur, where they have some really solid population data.
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