Breast cancer

Glad the surgery went well and that you are home now. One big step in the road to being cancer free. Hoping you won’t need any more chemo or need any radiation. DW was able to get by with just the surgery. Praying for a good recovery .
Your perspective and resilient attitude probably made such a big difference at every step of this challenging process. I really have to remember this thread and the way you dealt with setbacks when stuff happens to me. So glad you posted an update to let us know you're ok.
Thank you for keeping us updated. I hope your recovery goes smoothly!
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Just got back from the hospital. They kept me overnight because I was too weak to go home after surgery (and Frank insisted). But I feel GREAT now! :D Surgery was suggestful, and I am in less pain than before surgery. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Awesome! Before my mastectomy I worried about so many details. After the surgery I thought I put myself through all that to find the experience was actually great! Now, gently exercise the arm, massage to reinvigorate the nerves, blood flow, work out muscle soreness. This is super important. Congratulations W2R!
I've been out of town and just now catching up. Great news, W2R. Hope your recovery continues to go well. FYI, depending on your comfort and clothing preferences, you may want to contact Knitted Knockers and place a (no charge) order, or see if your oncologist or surgeon provides them. Our church prayer shawl group also makes these and gives them to the major oncology group to distribute at no cost. I've talked to several women who found them much more comfortable than commercial prostheses.
I just saw this thread. Glad your surgery was successful and I wish you a full and complete recovery with minimal pain. 💐
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My thoughts and well-wishes are with you.

There are excellent resources available to help cancer and in particular BC patients in navigating the emotional, physical, intellectual and economic decisions and impacts; The American Cancer Society is one example.

In the last few years there have been significant improvements in the treatment of BC; including, Breakthru medications. You, your loved ones and your clinical care team will determine what is best for you, period. And, for the inevitable times when one (or their loved ones) needs a comforting shoulder to lean upon, many non-profit groups offer anonymous 24*7*365 'hot lines' where one can simply be "listened to" or ask questions of others who share similar diagnoses/history. From experience, these resources are in one word, invaluable.

As others have shared their personal stories, so too will I. My DW was dx about ten years ago with BC. She chose double mastectomy vs. less invasive procedures to hopefully improve her odds of long-term survival and quality of life. I know she has no regrets about the treatments she chose - she never second guessed her decisions (genetic testing was important to us, as we have daughters). I am immensely proud my DW's courage, resiliency and, determination to NEVER allow BC to define who she is.

If friends, neighbors and/or relatives offer assistance with meals, shopping, transportation and/or cleaning, I recommend accepting such offers as these are true signs of endearment.

Please accept a virtual hug.
This is really a great news. Surgery is a major step to remission and hopefully a complete cure.
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I'll be seeing my surgeon for a follow-up visit on December 2nd, and I'm hoping she will decide to remove the drains at that time. Feeling pretty good right now. :biggrin: I still need to build my energy back up but that will happen. I'm surprised that I don't feel worse than I do, considering all that has happened.
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