Breast cancer

I think we are all concerned for her, I hope she is spending this time taking care of herself and when she is able, she will return and let us know how she is doing. I remember her long absence prior when she had her horrible covid experience.

Sending prayers and good wishes!
In case you are not aware of the sport of dragon boating. While the sport is thousands of years old, it was more recently recognized by a physician as an exercise that helps with after surgery recovery.

Now, there are dragon boating teams all over N America and beyond that have breast cancer survivor members who participate with other team members to find support, fund raise, and meet new friends.

DW and DD participate. Men are also welcomed but typically there is never an all man boat in a competition. So far, I’m a spectator. It maybe something you want to investigate. It looks like NO area may have more than one team.
When she posted that her vision had gone to H in the Handbasket, my thoughts were whether she had a brain scan but I did not want to ask. I am hoping it's nothing serious and that she will get better and come back to post.
W2R has personally promised me/us to eventually be the oldest woman alive, so she will keep her promise with Frank's loving support.
I hope she's ok. Has anybody tried Private messaging her? Don't want to get too intrusive but...
I would think perhaps Frank would provide an update, but then again she is a fairly private person.
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