So here we are at the end of 2017, I will get one last paycheck this year but I'll post an update as of now with a personal update as well for what 2018 looks like it's bringing. I'm done Christmas shopping too so expenses for the rest of the month should be standard. Had a Vegas trip where I did not run well and spent a bit making my bed (made the base/frame and bought a new mattress). The bed is awesome btw, made it with shelves all around the base and you can remove a section for hidden storage under the bed, sits about 3 feet off the ground so plenty of room under it.
After the runbad in Vegas (lost like 2 buyins over 5 days so trip cost me somewhere north of a grand total) and even spending a bit over budget these last few months the market/economy/everything is still on a ripper as you all know so my net worth continues to hit a new high each week through no credit to myself. Other than maybe moving (see more below) I don't have any major expenses coming up so I should be able to continue to throw a maximum amount into investments next year.
I recently caught up with a good high school friend who was asking what I was up to a couple few months ago. I mentioned investing/FIRE/etc and he was very interested.
I sent him some info on the basics, finance 101, explained the math, some MMM posts, debt bad investing good, etc. We've been talking and he's making some huge changes! He actually looked at the rates of his debts, should have student loans paid off this year and his car paid off first quarter of next year (or something close to that, he's about to be debt free is the point)! He's opening an HSA and figured out when the right time to start contributing to his 401k is. I think he just took what I showed him and realized that it's not hard, it just takes a bit of work on the front end and everything else takes care of itself. I'm not spoon feeding him (he's taking the info I give and figuring out what applies to his situation (based on his work 401k provider and loan rates and whatnot)) and he's just asking me a clarification or an advice question once per week or so. He's been doing great and I'm for sure a better person for having known him so I'm happy to return the favor. Everyone I've talked to about finances has been pretty open and likes talking about the subject. I'm really lucky to be where I'm at.
I will preface the update by saying I recently did some research on crypto, as I'm sure many of you have with the buzz that's going around. I did miss the initial boat but from what it looks like it has a ways to go. After buying (haha) into the idea and figuring out which ones I think are the best I settled on Ethereum and IOTA, I may buy some Cardano and/or some others still. I do think Ethereum offers some cool things with Smart Contracts and IOTA has something with no fees. If this is a huge bubble and I end up with nothing, so be it, but if it is as big as it can be I'd feel like an idiot not taking a stab. I have 'invested' $1,500 and that's up to above $2,000 already. I'll post next week when it's busto. No gamble, no future.
Age: 28
Salary: $84,500 + target 10% bonus (in Aug) + 4% 401k match
401k: $81,364
Roth IRA: $43,529
Brokerage: $34,096
HSA: $5,972
Cash: $19,186
Crypto: $2,056 total in USD
- 1.9774 Eth ~~ $1,581
- 94.905 IOTA ~~ $475
Car: $10,000
Debt: -$2,216 (just what I spent on my credit cards last month)
NW: $193,987
Should be breaking the 200k mark soon!!!
I maxed out my 401k contribution for the first time ever last month. The 'extra' money this month basically all went into crypto.
I know that's a heavy amount of cash for my AA, 14k is in my 'high' 1.3% yield online account as my emergency fund.
Work has been crazy, everything keeps breaking and market demand is way up. I'm not working straight 12s or anything that insane but it has been more demanding. Haven't been able to get to the gym for MMA much recently, maybe twice a month or so. That's a poor excuse but even on the days when I get home in time I'm exhausted (read, lazy), or have to do laundry or run to the store (read, excuses), and don't make it in to the gym. I will say that as busy as work has been it has put me in a great spot financially (I don't make OT, I just mean it pays well for a single guy with no kids... and that hopefully things will stop breaking at some point and I'll be able to reap the fruits or something). I'm not the richest guy in the world but seeing my NW continue to climb is reassuring that something is coming of this effort.
I can't exactly explain it but I'm hoping for a correction because in my mind if I can just work and make earned income to invest through the next correction I will have made it through the hard part and will be 'set' for life if that makes any sense. I do realize that even if I'm laid off tomorrow I have enough of a bankroll that I'll be fine for a long while even if I don't find a job right away.
Looking like my roommate of 9 years is moving in with his gf after our lease is up at the end of April. My other roommate might be moving out as well, he will know for sure in early January. If those two things happen it might be the universe telling me it's time to move on. As much as I like my job I might as well look elsewhere. Chance to get a raise, plus relocate to a cheaper area of living or move closer to work. Get to learn something new too as I've been with my company for just over 5 years. I was toying with the idea of giving playing poker professionally a shot but given my current bankroll and what I'd have to make, plus the learning curve, plus that we're 'due' for an economic correction, I would only do it if I could move in with one of my 2 good friends who are pros. One just signed a lease in Vegas and has no extra room and the other is in the same situation in LA, so probably not happening this go-round. I have a lot up in the air right now but I did send my resume to a head hunter last week and am hitting up a couple few contacts I have in different areas around the country. We'll see what unfolds come next year. Hopefully I can get something lined up around the time my lease is up. Head hunter said my resume was great and she shouldn't have any issues finding some opportunities for me. Just gotta study for the drug test now, the multiple choice questions always trip me up...