I'm like Audrey......that satellite internet would be really hard to do without, and would probably be one of the last things to go. The minute mobile systems became available, we were standing in line. To me, it's like having the world's greatest research libraries at your service, and for a lifetime news junkie, it doesn't get any better than the internet. I can get on in the morning, check the Himalayan Times for the weather in Kathmandu where my sweetie's brother is working, carry on conversations with you guys and others.....what's not to like?
We already killed our satellite TV account. We really didn't watch much TV anyway, and just got fed up with commercials, etc., and when they raised to price, it was just that one more straw that made us pick up the phone and cancel it. Don't know if we'll keep it off forever, but for the moment, we're not missing it at all.
We have a cell phone, but use it mostly just for outgoing calls, as a convenience thing. Very few people have the number because I hate to answer the phone, but it's handy for my sweetie's mother to be able to call us directly, and someone dear to us is in Federal prison, and us having the cell phone enables him to reach out and communicate to us easily as well.
But we could manage quite well without it.
The internet.....now that's another story. It would be one of the last things left if we were down to beans and tortillas......