Recycles dryer sheets
My wife was rear ended at a stop light by a commercial vehicle about 4 years ago. She was not seriously injured but had/has some neck and back issues. From the start the other drivers insurance company was very compliant and easy to get along with and very quick to cover the cost created by the accident. We opted not to hire a lawyer
because they were so quick to respond to any of our request, cover the damage to the vehicle, pay for medical bills etc. We were trying to navigate through this without getting things overly complicated, we forwarded whatever information that they wanted. For example out of pocket expenses for medical, chiropractor, physical therapy and of course wage loss etc. The wage loss is tough because we are self employed but we put together a realistic figure. Since my wife is 49% owner of our business they also requested our K1 forms as well. I am not a fan of the "Sue The Ba$tard$" mentality so we calculated a conservative amount for possible future complications, pain/suffering etc. My attitude is changing since we are now getting the silent treatment. They currently have our request of what dollar amount we need to close out this whole ordeal. They have put us on radio silence and I am getting disgusted. Where do I go from here? Is this a game they play at the end to purposely frustrate and drag things out hoping we may accept a smaller offer to settle? Did I muddy this up to bad to embarrassingly go to a lawyer now?
I would appreciate any input I can get. Thanks in advance.

I would appreciate any input I can get. Thanks in advance.