Central Asia


Recycles dryer sheets
Oct 14, 2016
I'm heading to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in a couple weeks to see the old Silk Road sites. Am 2/3 done with Peter Frankopan's The Silk Roads book. Quite an interesting overview of the long history of the trade routes.

Has anyone done this trip before? The tour I'm doing is a combination hiking & culture. The food looks pretty good except for the horse and camel meat!
Sounds awesome. I love the pre-Mogul architecture in Uzbekistan.

I’ve read the Nat Geo tour itinerary.
Our son did this a few years ago. Hitch hiked. He met lots of interesting people. Enjoyed it very much.
I met a young man from Kazakhstan on a cruise ship last fall and was surprised by how well he spoke English.

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