I am 70 and own Target Retirement 2025, a 60/40
stock to bond mix. This fund is in my wife's IRA and
in our after tax fund. I am using value tilting index
funds in my IRA at a 60/40 mix to balance the
Total Stock Market Index funds in the 2025 funds.
My wife is 8 years away from "required minimum
distributions" and gets glassy eyed at this kind
of discussion so, for her sake, I am keeping her
IRA and our after tax fund dirt simple. Since I
am in the RMD stage, I recently decided to switch
out of 2025 to all index funds in my IRA to better
manage withdrawals. We are withdrawing from
my IRA at a 6% rate or 4.2% from the total portfolio.
In case I need a drool cup prematurely or step in
front of an 18 wheeler, I have instructed my wife to
switch back to the 2025 fund.
We are taking a tax hit in the after tax 2025 but it
should be a relatively safe investment for the next
30 years and provide a nice nest egg for our brood.
We hope to avoid any withdrawals from this for at
least 20 years.
At this stage in life, I like the way the 2025 becomes
more conservative with time, especially if I am not here
to mother hen things. You can always spice things up
with stuff like REITS, small cap value, large value etc.
but the target retirement funds are a good core holding,
IMHO. If you like a non changing allocation, then
Balanced Index or one of the life strategy funds might
suit you better. Managed funds like STAR, Wellington
and Wellesley are also excellent.
Charlie (aka Chuck-Lyn)