Check out all of your old


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Apr 8, 2004
South Texas~29N/98W Just West of Woman Hollering C
Another incredible Google deal. Enter your old address and get a picture of your old haunt as it looks today. I put in the address of the house that I live in as a kid and it nailed it. Must be a new picture because house is now green and we had it white. same trees, house etc. I do not understand this stuff, but I'm always amazed that it works so well. Enjoy. provides Google street views, driving directions, local traffic conditions, maps, and local area photos from Panoramio and Picasa. You can use to acquaint yourself with an area before you go there or you can call up places from your past to see what they look like now. includes a driving simulator that enables you to simulate a drive-by of an area while you watch the scenery. Watch the You Tube Video about or check to see if your area is covered (click the Streetview button - Take a Trip on the Virtual Turnpike - Visit Places - Virtual Tourist and More...
Same with my childhood home. I have looked before, and Google streetview doesn't go there. It is on nearby streets, though, so I can check out the old neighborhood. :)
Neat stuff. Brings back a few haunts. Interesting how things develop.
It was fun looking for it, but the place I lived in for three years in the last 50s isn't even there anymore! Street is gone, house is gone, etc. I understand it's a pretty scary DC suburb area now :( .
I know I won't see the house I actually grew up in from the age of 5 because they knocked it down as soon as my Mom finally moved out when I was a senior in college. Not worth saving.
It found my childhood address but the image on the left was all streaky, like a warp speed type image. Do I need a plugin for IE 8 to see a clear photo ?
I use the street view feature every day in my local gummint job, by going directly to Google Maps. The Maps page is directly accessible at the top of the Google home page.

The OP's site is a mashup that saves a step or two if you are searching by address. Pretty cool.

Here's two more you might like. shows aerial photos over time for a number of urban areas. (And all of Iowa. Go figure.) You can't zoom in as close as Google Earth or Google Maps, but it allows you to see how an area has changed over time.

Google's competitor, , also has a mapping function. Like most map sites these days, it has a toggle button where you can see either a map view or an aerial photo.

What is unique about Bing's views, so far as I know, is that you can also choose a bird's eye view that can zoom in to a very tight, clear image showing half a block or less. Hit the rotate button on the left side and you'll see into your backyard from all four points of the compass.
Thanks for posting. There are no street level views for the place where I grew up, but that's okay as my Dad still lived there through December and my sister still lives next door. The place I lived before that in the 50's has been pulled down but this is a street level view from the 50's.


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Very strange. I went to the old address we moved out of 15 years ago. Frrom one angle it shows the old house with our cars in the driveway. From another angle the house has been knocked down and a new one built, which my DW says is accurate. Neat tech, but a little confused.
If I want to see the house I grew up in, I can go there. My parents still live there. ;)

I have used the Google Street View to find a friend's house, though. I knew the street but not the exact address, so I just "drove" there and looked until I found the right house, then noted the address. Very handy!
The 2 houses I grew up in are within 5 miles of where I now live, and I go by them occasionally. neither are on streetview
Very strange. I went to the old address we moved out of 15 years ago. Frrom one angle it shows the old house with our cars in the driveway. From another angle the house has been knocked down and a new one built, which my DW says is accurate. Neat tech, but a little confused.

Did you notice Rod Serling in the picture? shows aerial photos over time for a number of urban areas. (And all of Iowa. Go figure.) You can't zoom in as close as Google Earth or Google Maps, but it allows you to see how an area has changed over time................

Thanks for posting this - I was able to see our neighborhood before it was developed in 1966. Closest thing to a time machine.
None of the places I lived in Ireland are accessible on I found a large apartment building in PA that I lived in, and it's looking in good shape. Then I checked my current address. The back lane showed up. Try as I might, I could not find the street. Yet other streets in the neighbourhood are shown. Obviously the Google car went down the back lane, so all I can see is garages. It was summer, and it was garbage day! And the house numbers are wrong. The numbering sequence is 1-5-9, etc, but the addresses shown had numbers in between, on houses that don't exist.

Oh well, it may have some utility. But it ain't perfect.
Still looks about the same.

It found my childhood address but the image on the left was all streaky, like a warp speed type image. Do I need a plugin for IE 8 to see a clear photo ?
I went back today and figured out if there was no imagery for the exact address, it displayed as a streaky image. My childhood home is on a downhill slope in the road (significant?), and there seemed to be a blank spot in the imagery there. Everything else nearby was fine.
I was able to move the Stickman within 3 houses of my childhood home. I saw the intersection of my road and a small side road where we used to play kickball and use chalk on the road to play hopscotch and draw pictures.
Close enough for a good memory lane trip! :D
There's no pix for my address....'course we are a bit off the beaten a small town. However, Google Maps does show an aerial view of it. A few of the main drags in town do show up though.

I use Google 'street view' a LOT! Especially when we're on trips, and trying to find a particular restaurant or store or some other place like that. My GPS is pretty good at getting me places, but it's nice to be able to actually see what the building (or neighborhood) looks like before we get there....makes it easier to figure out where to pull in and where to park. It also helps in seeing what hotels look like before making reservations.....of course the reviews at TripAdvisor help big time too! I changed my mind about one hotel on our upcoming FL trip next month, due to being able to see what the neighborhood looked like around the hotel.....scary to say the least! Found a much nicer one, in a much nicer area for about the same cost.

It was particularly helpful last year when I was in Daytona, and I was looking for a particular hobby shop. Little Miss Genius in my GPS took me directly to where the shop WASN'T!!! She kept saying turn here, turn there, and "you have reached your destination"....Ummm, bull droppings! I was on a very busy 4-lane street.....with NOTHING in sight! Not a single building, parking lot, driveway, house....nothing!

When I got back to the hotel, I punched in the address in Google showed where it was.....hit 'street view', and actually saw the building I was looking for. So I got back in the car, drove to where Google Maps showed the place to be, and low & behold...there sits the building that I saw on 'streetview'. Little Miss Genius in the GPS was only about 2 miles off!

Oh, and if I want to see the 2 houses that I lived in as a kid...the first one is just over a mile from where I live now. We moved from there when I was about 1 1/2 years old. And to see the second house...all I have to do is open my eyes, as I have lived here in the old family homestead since we moved from that first house almost 51 years ago, when my Grandad moved into his new digs next door! :cool:
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