Well . . . he loses all credibility with this statement. If you are running the largest deficit in the history of the world, how do you figure you've paid for everything simply because your tax bill for this year is paid? By this reasoning, we should just abolish taxes and let future generations pay all of our bills. We could celebrate Cost of Government Day on January 1. Who cares about future generations?". . .The good news for the total cost of government is that the regulatory burden is coming down a little bit with some of the deregulation under President Bush. . ."
- SG said:.Well . . . he loses all credibility with this statement. If you are running the largest deficit in the history of the world, how do you figure you've paid for everything simply because your tax bill for this year is paid? By this reasoning, we should just abolish taxes and let future generations pay all of our bills. We could celebrate Cost of Government Day on January 1. Who cares about future generations?
But beyond this nonsense is the basic problem with most anti-tax writing. Government collects taxes and provides services, jobs and benefits. Judging the success of government by looking only at tax rates is like judging the success of a business by only looking at the payroll expenses.
() said:Thats one of the things that bugs me about this administration. Say things that arent true, and keep saying them and eventually many people will believe them...even after they've been outed in the media and proven false, high numbers continue to persist in believing them.
Its proof positive of the amazing connection between gullible people and mass media marketing...
oldbykur said:There must be something about this thread that I'm missing. How did the article that initiated this thread lead to another "let's blame Bush" tirade?
() said:...my stress level is really good. I take it all out on you folks
I am all for higher taxes as long as somebody else is paying them.
Government collects taxes and provides services, jobs and benefits.
Michael said:You pay for the taxes in higher living costs, even if your income tax is zero. There is a reason a hospital stay in the US is so much more expensive than a similar stay in Thailand.
Michael said:Yes, but at what point do the services provided exceed what frugal living below their means people would choose if they had a choice? Why does so much that the government "provides" have to be of the caviar and chauffeured limousine variety? Does the government really need to consume half of what private workers produce?
But I would also be happy to pay more taxes if we could develop a viable medical system that didn't inflate at 4 to 10 times the inflation rate year after year.
The point here, is that it doesn't make sense to de-couple taxes from benefits, services, jobs.
Michael said:It is the tremendous waste that appalls me.
wabmester said:So, how would you fix it?
Personally, I like the Governator model of California. Only rich egomaniacs should be politicians. They should be so rich that no bribe could possibily interest them, and so ego-driven that only making a positive write-up in the history books could motivate their behavior.
ben said:All governments will go down the same path of taxing and taxing and spending and spending (to get re-elected) untill everybody is juiced out.... Cheers!