I have four kids right now, all under 6. None of them are currently in daycare or preeschool, but they do quite a few activities like swim lessons and so on.
For most of my long-term expense planning I usually figure my costs in the future are going to be pretty much the same as they are now (adjusted for inflation). One big exception to this is the whole college thing, so I have a separate notional savings for the cost of putting my kids through college. Should I also be considering another chunk of money to get my kids through the teenage years? Or do kids cost pretty much the same amount from age 2-18?
I'm also curious if anyone here has managed to retire early with three or more kids.
For most of my long-term expense planning I usually figure my costs in the future are going to be pretty much the same as they are now (adjusted for inflation). One big exception to this is the whole college thing, so I have a separate notional savings for the cost of putting my kids through college. Should I also be considering another chunk of money to get my kids through the teenage years? Or do kids cost pretty much the same amount from age 2-18?
I'm also curious if anyone here has managed to retire early with three or more kids.